Outlook Email - Junk Folder - Microsoft Community

hi everyone,

i canada , recovering hotmail user still trying figure out outlook, hate very, much. there 12 step program people cannot deal outlook?

but news. wanted tell world, (ahem) first time in on 15 years, opened outlook junk mail today @ 11:14 mountain time check 33 junk email messages there.

to surprise, 33 emails directed me -- legitimate sources!

a refreshing change 100 250 daily junk emails unknown russian women lusting on me , must have me (i 60+, fat, old, kinda hot, man); or emails people selling performance enhancing sex pills not need; or emails wing nuts trying sell me loans underworld; or flashlight going change life forever. not how have survived long without flashlight.

i cried when saw legitimate emails in junk email box. called friends , told them outlook staff stayed @ office late, till, oh, don't know, maybe 4:30 pm (?), making sure not getting more unwanted junk emails.

but friends said "naw....your junk email should it's horrible normal self tomorrow." hope wrong!

thanks listening!

Outlook.com / Email / Managing email folders


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