Copy and Paste are not working as expected - Microsoft Community

split thread year 2011.

i have sent numerous error reports on over past few weeks , have had no reply , no correction problem.

i can not copy , paste words word' document.

i have tried fix suggest , doesnt work either


hi mark,

please go word menu , choose word , verify have version 15.40 or newer. if need install updates, follow these instructions, test again.

make sure mac has working internet connection before checking updates. install mac os x updates followed office updates.


install mac os x updates first:

to mac os updates, go app store on dock, , click updates button reveal available updates.


then install office updates

to update:

  1. open office application
  2. go menu , choose check updates
  3. let autoupdate check , install updates
  4. restart mac

Office / Word / Mac / Office 2011 for Mac


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