MS office ability to Track Changes - Microsoft Community

when receive email of edited text 1 friend (about 3,000 miles away) ms-outlook places account name before each edit.  for example:  [leland rockstraw].  

she not aware how happens, "it happens".  is feature of ms office outlook?

thanks insight!


hi leland,

the ability place account name before each edit feature in ms office such word/outlook. feature called track changes. reason why placed before each edit know who’s been making changes document. sender have copy text word , forwarded email you. when turn on track changes, marks new changes made document. when turn off, stops marking new changes. changes tracked remain marked in document until remove them. more information track changes, please check link.

should need clarifications, feel free message again.

thank you.

Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 2016


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