My Hotmail account got blocked for logging in from a work - Microsoft Community

i have hotmail account use register everything, including social media, travel sites, reservations, , online shopping. ive used @ least 10 years , has thousands of mails. then, apparently made mistake of logging in work computer (which less 2km house) , blocked?

it gives me message "it looks has been using account" silly, because mentioned above, work less 2km away normal logins. asks me backup email university email account has been deactivated after graduation. theres verification form cant pass, because used false info make account on 10 years ago when child. (dont tell real info online! -mom) dont have contact addresses of sent mails because account used registrations, recieve emails on account. put in emails , subject lines companies ive recieved stuff because not exact, robot reading form doesnt recognize anything. inputted previous passwords correctly. yet ive gone in circles trying form doesnt work @ least 10 times im hoping real person can see thread. / My Account and information / Other


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