Outlook 2016 for MAC continues to fail to group conversations - Microsoft Community

in previous version of outlook on mac e-mail conversations grouped properly, in outlook 2016, e-mail conversations have been grouped no longer do.

strangely though, conversations group.

why outlook 2016 not work previous version of outlook on mac?

is known problem, , if so, when there fix?  note, reported in december 2016, not resolved , thread locked.

hi davidw_53,


do mean conversation view feature in outlook 2016 mac client?


to solve problem, recommend share following information:

1. detailed version of outlook 2016 mac client.

2. screenshots of group conversation. we’d know details situation.


here article conversation view feature reference:



meanwhile, microsoft has dedicated support channel outlook mac issues. recommended contact outlook mac experts clicking on contact support feature on the help menu.




Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 365 for business


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