Please help! I'm in tears :'( Microsoft logged me - Microsoft Community

i created account can post in here.  here's problem:  

*  started when couldn't delete empty folders in outlook 2007 desktop program. 

*  went online , saw post outlook needed access account via web (something don't recall ever doing; if did, long ago don't remember).  long can remember, have accessed outlook email (which created through godaddy years ago) via outlook 2007 on laptop.  don't ever recall logging in on microsoft site!  

*  said wasn't recognizing password / login info.  went through verification process asks wayyyyy many questions (as mentioned before) haven't answered in years!  enter should be, returns saying wasn't correct , microsoft blocked me out of account.  

*  went through reset password process @ least (3) times.  when go log in, i'm getting messages beginning -- website isn't recognizing login.  

biggest problem because of this:  cannot access business email via outlook 2007 on desktop have clients waiting important responses weddings taking place next week!!  

called microsoft , says can post online.  go post online, can't login.  way around creating account can post in here.  

please please please me!!!!!!!  couple's wedding , business @ stake here!!!!!!! / Email / Connecting to with apps and devices


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