Reneging on 'enthusiast bonus' agreement - Microsoft Community

microsoft reneging on 'enthusiast bonus' , telling users they'll loose access files despite having told them in initial agreement that uploaded files remain 'read only' indefinitely unless buy plan. when pointed out still have indications of agreement live on support pages, ignored me , won't provide ticket #30099-96140 status or responses via onedrive team email support system opened case with. how is such behavior not extortion? 'pay keep files said you'd have accessible or them off our servers.' didn't give me 1 year promised abused ill thought out unlimited storage offer; 4 months clear off 15gb of 200gb bonus used shared family photo albums , got buying windows 10 pc. bought lumia 550 directly microsoft canada web store on last 3 years i've spent >$500 cdn. bought ms-dos 6, windows 3.1 , every flavour of thereafter , how value loyalty?

where files deleted?

OneDrive / Managing storage limits / Questions about my subscription


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