skydrivesetup failed when Onedrive works fine - Microsoft Community

i have issue.

for sometime notice have difficulty upgrade onedrive.

if click on notice, link

and nothing displayed on browser.

in task manager see onedrive setup (32bit) , have kill application because wrecks system , slows down. 

now onedrive works fine , sync without problem.   

if google search skydrive before onedrive.  , when wnated access onedrive win 7 or win 8 , 8.1.   , windows 10 switch onedrive integrated in windows 10.

now possible former onedrive setup windows 7 wnat came life when have onedrive active in windows 10 ? 

or possible it's pup try install , windows 10 blocked attemps ?  

because after digging found link skydrive , solvusoft corporation.  

if it's pup trying install solvusoft corporation,  how can remove pup ?

sounds i'm 1 issue !

i still have issue.  open program manager , kill application since it's stall or slow system.

from research, application win 7 era whwn wanted skydrive , access onedrive windows 7.

now want know why try install when have onedrive fonctionning on windows 10 system.

now if microsoft or can tell me how remove left on skydrive windows 7, win 10. 

i appreciate lot


OneDrive / Working with files and folders on OneDrive / Editing and viewing files and folders / OneDrive in Windows 10


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