Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender - Microsoft Community


i regularly send emails our desktop (work, outlook) personal account. suddenly, morning, received email reply mailer daemon (5 of them, because forwarded 5 emails work account personal account) following contents:

from mailer daemon:

this mail system @ host zsmtpsg2.jfc.com.ph.

i'm sorry have inform message not delivered 1 or more recipients. it's attached below.
for further assistance, please send mail postmaster.
if so, please include problem report. can delete own text attached returned message.
                   mail system
<*** email address removed privacy ***>: host apc.olc.protection.outlook.com[]
    said: 550 5.7.1 unfortunately, messages [] weren't sent.
    please contact internet service provider since part of network
    on our block list (as3150). can refer provider to
    [pu1apc01ft043.eop-apc01.prod.protection.outlook.com] (in reply mail

hoping immediate response.

thank you.

rudolf merck

unfortunately, messages [] weren't sent.
please contact internet service provider since part of network on our block list (as3150).

it seems ip address has been assigned provider has been used abusive activities , therefor blocked. instructed in error, contact internet provider , can either unblock or assign new address.

Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 2007


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