Groove music and external drive - Microsoft Community

i created external drive music on linux box @ home, sadly forced use win 10 box @ work.  groove music useless.  give me listing of hard drive, play songs manually selected.  changed default music player groove music win player...same thing.

have external hard drive full of music , have manually select each song.

bloody hell.  want stream music. see no reason pay stream music--if possible.

win10 why have linux box.  automatic update (despite explicitly not wanting upgrade) win 10 wiped out wife's desktop, ms tech support not complete install 10 or me 8; advice take geek squad , pay them fix virus (i mean win10) gates et insisted on putting on machine.

so have way play music hard drive if have manually select song plyed next?

there way fix pos? 

Music, Movies & TV / Groove Music


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