Outlook 2016 Stopped working (stopped Opening) - Microsoft Community

i've been using office 365 - outlook year on computer - running wondows 10.

suddently, 10 days ago, outlook not open anymore.

i've tried everything.

reparing installation

uninstalling , re-installing

deleting .psf files of account

trying repair program 

windows updated.

nothing worked.

considering uninstalling , re-installing did not work, doubt formatting whole  system much.

anyone can help?


an uninstall/reinstall nothing repair wont do, , re-install uses original outlook profile , settings

deleting pst data file not other prevent outlook starting.

what repair program?

who domain/isp/mail provider?

can log on mail provider via web access using username/password?

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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