Outlook 2016 Windat issue on Samsung S8 - Microsoft Community

i using outlook 2016 (version 1711 build 8730.2122) on windows 10.

i started received complaints in past 3 weeks cannot open word document sent on phone, able open thru pc on outlook.

i tested sending word document my-self through outlook via our e-mail provider. when i see email via my samsung s8, attachment it show win.dat file can see same email word document on pc.

i checked settings under "options/mail"  set "html"  tried under "plain text"; results same.

i have not had issue in past computer has done large office/windows updates recently. please can assist sorting issue.

moved from: outlook.com / email / sending , receiving attachments


emails received contains winmail.dat attachment occurs under following conditions:

  • the email message sent using microsoft outlook.
  • the format of message rich text format (rtf).

this resolved when sender re-sends message in plain text format. however, since mentioned using plain text same results. suggest try other methods suggested on link , check if resolves concern.

if issue persists, please send feedback using link below concern addressed in future updates:

outlook feedback.


Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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