When I export my PPT to MP4 my embedded videos will not play - Microsoft Community

for context, make videos displayed on tvs @ gym work at, design them on powerpoint , save them mp4 on usb plug media box on tv , play automatically. 

when export powerpoint mp4 file (which file typically works on tv), works fine. transitions, animations, of that. except, videos , live pictures iphone play when watch slideshow of powerpoint. , yes, set automatically play without click. 

i on mac

hi morgan,

sorry careless didn't notice using mac.

note: the article provided before applies office windows. mvp jim provide correct article , applies mac users. here full link: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/save-a-presentation-as-a-movie-file-or-mp4-4e1ebcc1-f46b-47b6-922a-bac76c4a5691

the feature works in office windows, while doesn't work in office mac. here detailed explanation:

1.if embed video in ppt , export ppt video file in windows, embed video in exported video file can opened on windows.

2.if embed video in ppt , export ppt video file in windows -> send exported video file mac -> embed video in exported video file can opened on mac too.

3.if export ppt file contains embed videos video file on mac, embed video in exported video file not work.

if user has mac, not feasible use feature. understand better if powerpoint mac users can use feature too. limitation, i'd invite share same our related team through uservoice via link below. best channel influence product.




Office / PowerPoint / Mac / Unknown/other


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