How to remove Mark up area when printing? - Microsoft Community

i using word 2016 write book.  i have embedded pictures taken off internet , file saved word macro-enabled document (*.docm) file.   not on purpose though.  when tried save a .docx file, said  must save docm, did.  since then, file opens correctly, when go print has 3" mark space along right , rest of document scrunched left.  how rid of mark space can print out pages?


have turned on track changes?  if there changes (a.k.a. "markup") have been neither accepted nor rejected, default printing behavior see.

if have markup want keep in document not print, in settings section of file > print page can open first dropdown (the 1 says "print pages") , uncheck print markup item @ bottom of menu.

if didn't intend turn on track changes (which case inadvertently pressing ctrl+shift+e), first turn off; click bottom half of accept button on review tab , click accept changes.

Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home


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