PowerPoint 2016 will not Open of macOS Sierra 10.12.6 (all other - Microsoft Community

working on macbook pro mid 2012 running macos sierra 10.12.6 reformatted had been running office 2016 1 month earlier. word mac version 15.37 (170815) product id 170815 downloaded (all office products open , work except powerpoint). powerpoint bounce , stop trying open. happened when original began using office 2016. not remember fix. remember fix problem. 

hi csres-kss,

you may try following 2 options:

option1. create new mac account. log mac new account. open powerpoint mac check if issue related corrupted user profile.

option2. uninstall office suite, , download latest released version page.

disclaimer: microsoft provides no assurances and/or warranties, implied or otherwise, , not responsible information receive third-party linked sites or support related technology.

you may need articles below backing emails in outlook.

export items archive file in outlook mac

import email messages, contacts, , other items outlook 2016 mac

let know updates when have time.



Office / PowerPoint / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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