SharePoint Sharing Failed Error - Microsoft Community

i trying add internal user sharepoint site , following error;

sharing failed: [title] - [column validation failed].

i able add user other sharepoint sites and i can add other users site working on within same permission's level.

there other internal users permissions group trying add user - bit confused!

hi kev,

to better understand situation, i'd confirm following things:

1. how add internal user sharepoint site, directly click share button @ site home page or click site settings>site permissions>grant user permissions?

2. capture screenshot of error message.

3. mean "there other internal users permissions group trying add user too"? mean other users in same group user can added or directly share site group?

4. although error message, let user check if can access site now. meanwhile, can click site settings>site permissions>check permissions>enter account>check now>capture screenshot of result.

best regards,


Office / SharePoint Online / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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