Strange characters in an Outlook email - Microsoft Community

an email forwarded me written in 2011.  took time read it.  here portion:

i have been =earching average co2 produced australians.  on average, =ach aussie produces 19 tonnes of co2 pa, americans 20t, uk 9.4t, china =t, india 1t


the numbers =eem rubbery, , can’t guarantee them, here =reakdown.  numbers per person pa.


5t  =            =nbsp;           &=bsp;      normal =orkplace

2t  =            =nbsp;           &=bsp;      =nfrastructure

2t  =            =nbsp;           &=bsp;      production of food (producing =ertilizer big part of number)

2t  =       =nbsp;           &=bsp;           =ndus

i have seen similar things time time, , didn't know why.  found nbsp means non breaking space.  there differing forms of these, ( eg "&=bsp; ").

"=" time replaces first letter of words.  , @ end of word.

i cut , pasted message notepad, , word , still shows offending characters.

the portion have pasted above bold in email sent me.

is there way remove eg  =bsp; , have readable message?



day name phillip roos , happy best way possible , in timely manner. please try following solution of repairing office package: first thing can navigate , select start button 2) type in control panel 3) navigate "programs". 4) select "uninstall program" 5) find office installation , right click (usually microsoft office 2016 or similar) 6) select change 7) window pop asking "quick repair" or "online repair" 8) select quick repair option , reboot 9) if problem continues select online repair option , reboot if problem continues recommend uninstalling , reinstalling office 2016/2013 package. please let me know if helped or not, happily assist further. kind regards phillip roos

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home


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