Is there a way to recover a Word doc that I worked on for 1/2 hour - Microsoft Community

hello, have looked @ autorecover options going file>options>save , understand autorecover recovers document crashes if have saved @ least 1 time.

but seem remember (and correct me if i'm wrong) in maybe word 2003 or 2007 software save copy of document worked on if have not saved single time.

and trying find out not document saved if word crashes lets lose power?

any appreciated.


in order know more how able recover document have worked on, may refer helpful discussion thread posted community member __fan.

finding autorecovery / autosave in word 2013.

to protect files in case of crash, here informative link. provide information autorecover feature of office 2007.

for able recover office files, may access link:

recover office files.

feel free post should need further assistance.


Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2013


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