The autocomplete function when sending an email no longer includes - Microsoft Community

when typing in name emails, outlook show list of recent contacts.  contacts or contact groups address book display however, received our monthly november 2017 update , contact groups personal contact list no longer included in autocomplete list.  have change address book global address book contacts address show in autocomplete list.  individual contacts still show in autocomplete list contact list when global address book defaulted.  why change , can other changing address book search contact groups?

hi michelle,

it outlook loses connection autocompletion cache can result when outlook not closed , not writing cache. assist you, kindly provide information need below:

  • aside applying update, have made significant changes computer may have triggered issue?
  • to remove possibility update wasn't skipped or not downloaded/installed properly, using third-party antivirus programs?
  • have checked if there pending updates computer , windows 10?
  • have tried create new profile , see if issue occurs there isolate issue?
  • does issue occur in desktop application or

we looking forward reply.

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home


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