Distribution List like a group? - Microsoft Community

i have outlook 2016.

microsoft pumping creating groups instead of distribution lists.

but makes no sense...

i share common task 3 other internal employees, in 1 of must send out daily e-mail list of 5 external contacts.

if each maintain our own personal "distribution list" not synced , changes made one, not reflect changes of three.

so thought groups solve this...but:

we create group, , way can add external users owa, have to join group.  want them on shared, updateable distribution list 3 share, can send daily email.

they not in "collaboration" us, need come our sharepoint site, or etc., need email.

i saw "in cloud" distribution list in exchange, there no way add external users.

this should extremely easy, not me.

there should 3 categories:

1. personal distributions

2. shared distributions

3, groups collaboration

and in mind, collaboration allowed should customizable.

any ideas on how can accomplished?



stated add external members office 365 groups has owa many admins not suitable option. that's why recommend create "distribution list". can create list admin center , can add external members without having enter owa, first must go "contacts" , add external users contacts able add them group out issue. please check link below describes how create lists:

create distribution lists:


add office 365 user or contact distribution list:


add contacts:



Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 2016


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