MS Project 2013 Scheduling Engine Not Working - Microsoft Community

i have ms project 2013 installed on windows 7 work computer. noticed that, since installed ms office 2016 365, project not longer calculates summary durations. it's if scheduling engine has stopped working. can add multiple tasks, link them fs relationships, , project show them starting on same day project summary duration of 0 days. summary task durations not calculating properly. 

i have 64 bit machine , i noticed ms project 32 bit installed. cause issue?

i've attached screenshot.

mikel --

from screenshot, appears automatic recalculation has somehow gotten disabled in copy of microsoft project.  following correct this:

  1. click file > options > schedule.
  2. scroll down bottom of dialog.
  3. in calculation section of dialog, select on option , click save button.

hope helps.

Office / Project / Windows other


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