OneDrive continually updating OneNote files - Microsoft Community

today notice looks of sync'd computers show they're re-syncing of onenote files. is, onenote notebook-related files including toc files (.onetoc2). happening when don't have onenote open on computer.

i tried setting onenote manual sync notebooks on active computers (usually two). did not fix it. on both systems onedrive system tray still shows files getting re-synchronized every couple of minutes.

how perpetual syncing stop?

if related, added new windows 10 laptop , set via microsoft account , signed onedrive , office 365 have paid subscriptions to. have windows 7 system on.


this issue can occur corruption onenote application , onedrive synchronization problems.

try repairing onenote. once done, set onenote manual sync again , see if issue persist. click here more information on how repair office application.

we recommend unlink onedrive link again pc.

get outcome can out further.

OneDrive / Working with files and folders on OneDrive / Adding and removing files and folders / OneDrive in Windows 10


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