Table of contents - Microsoft Community

i'm using word365. trying create toc using program driving me nuts. 1 used able specify styles included in toc: no longer. 1 may have 3 heading levels 1 given. plenty of levels, have not used specific styles ('heading 1' etc) chapter heads. heart quails within me @ idea of having go through , identify chapter heads hand. there way retrieve situation?

honestly - program may great dummies, needs remotely professional mega-timewaster.

word has specific design.

one of key features word designed around "styles".  comes 9 predefined "heading styles". can modify these styles way wish.  these 9 styles ones "automagically" used generate tocs, 9 levels.

yes, default use 3 levels in toc, can adjust 9 levels.

yes, there option manually mark text using "field codes", surmise, pita want fall in specific circumstances.

this article provides basics of using word styles make headings , tocs

create table of contents in microsoft word(2003-2010) 2 easy steps creating table of contents in microsoft word document. plus  how customize table of contents looks want. and, 10 tips word tables of contents. these basics continue apply 2013 , 2016  created december 2003. last updated 24 june 2010.               shauna kelly

why use microsoft word’s built-in heading styles?
16 reasons use word's built-in heading styles. word's built-in heading styles have "magic" properties can't recreate in custom styles. created august 2002. last updated 23 april 2010.           shauna kelly

here additional links on doing "fancy" things styles , tocs

customizing table of contents switchesby suzanne s. barnhill, mvp.

creating table of contents heading levels / controlling number of heading levels in toc
if document length @ all, adding table of contents nice touch. tip demonstrates how easy create toc based on headings in document.

creating table of contents toc fields
if inserted bunch of toc fields in document, can create table of contents quite based on fields. comes in handy creating specialized tocs aren’t based on documents outline.

creating inline heading
when settling on overall design document, need decide how want headings appear. if want 1 of heading levels “inline” paragraph precedes, applying styles , not messing table of contents can tricky.

Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home


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