Unable to make a subfolder within a 1Dr folder; can move a folder - Microsoft Community

on onedrive on pc, there's new folder copied few days ago can access on other devices.

however, noticed unable make (file, folder, etc) inside of folder (whether recent or not, don't know wasn't looking until wanted make new subfolder).

i can, however, move items , out of folder manually (such create folder in parent 1dr folder , drag it), save , open folder.

also, have full control according permissions (i am  admin) , made sure folder not read-only in properties dialogue.


if 1 has solution, i'd appreciative (as annoying create new folder drag folder want in).

thanks , best regards.


relevant pics below

the 1dr folder on pc; folder in question boxed in red.

this 'inside' of folder in question.

as can see, i'm unable make items within folder (greyed out area up-top). can, however, move items/folders in , out of here, , save to , open from well.

of interesting note folder icon says it's empty.


the issue you’ve encountered when trying add subfolder specific folder may due software conflict. learn more concern, we’d confirm if folder named 1dr folder you’re unable add subfolder or file.

also, isolate issue onedrive, suggest try creating subfolder signing in account onedrive website instead.

let know outcome after trying suggested steps.

OneDrive / Working with files and folders on OneDrive / Adding and removing files and folders / OneDrive in Microsoft Office / Office 365


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