Powerpoint on iPad not able to save to dropbox - Microsoft Community

not sure if problem powerpoint, dropbox or apple!

i have saved powerpoint slides dropbox no problem until week. 

original file saved in dropbox. downloaded , saved on ipad presenting. changed slides, saved ipad. save copy dropbox - file exists, replace it? yes (using exact same name , configuration original) error - can't saved file has unacceptable characters or file name long - file pops in dropbox without content 0kb. 

file saves fine ipad , onedrive. (but need save shared file in dropbox without faffing about) ideas? 

hi ruth,

since can save files in ipad , onedrive, it's possible issue isolated on dropbox. can try uninstall , reinstall application. if issue persists, suggest contact dropbox support forum further assistance. can further diagnose issue , provide best option on next.

if have further questions, feel free post in community.

Office / PowerPoint / iPhone & iPad / Office 365 Home


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