Best way to quickly switch between PowerPoint in Presenter View and - Microsoft Community

hi everyone

i love presenter view - it's amazing.  it's useful being able view notes slides on laptop screen and having delegates can see slides without notes on main screen.

however...i'm systems trainer.  have switch out of powerpoint demo other programs - ie, word, excel etc. fair bit , quickly switch slides provide additional info etc. 

i used skip in , out of presentations on regular basis using alt+ tab keys. 

however, when try alt+tab when using presenter view, can switch other programs on laptop monitor.  display delegates remains on slides only.

what's easiest , quickest way switch out program on delegate's screen (ideally mirrored laptop screen have view of program too) while retaining place in slides in presenter view in powerpoint window? 



Office / PowerPoint / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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