final answer on disappearance of hotmail emails in outlook? - Microsoft Community

i've been trying locate concrete answer on , have yet find one....


i've had hotmail account on 10 years. use not often. logged in today locate important email (yes, sigh, know shouldn't keep important info in free email account, here are!) , took me outlook. had no trouble logging in/did not need reset password etc.; however, emails , folders going on decade gone.

other info:

-i did not accidentally delete these emails/they not appear recoverable 'deleted' folder, per se. i've been sent link re: 'how recover accidentally deleted files' dozen times. not issue.

-i can't remember last time logged in, (not more year, though, imagine), perhaps it's possible account may have been made 'inactive.'

-i have 'added' hotmail account outlook, , can see emails sent hotmail address going 1 year.

my question(s):

-am missing re: how access old emails , folders in hotmail via outlook?

-if account indeed considered 'inactive,' of hotmail emails gone forever now? (i'm crossing fingers , toes isn't case reasons others have mentioned on here: emails deceased loved ones, past drafts/iterations of academic work, record of emails/history of correspondence need spouse's visa application, contacts, etc., etc.)

-if they're not gone forever, steps need take them back?

thanks in advance out there reading! / Email / Restore or recover messages


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