Little Red circle with number on top of the OneDrive icon oi the mac - Microsoft Community


the onedrive icon in mac dock shows little red circle number 2.

what mean?

i clicked right mouse button there no relevant option.

the application has been updated?

any clarification?

hi daniele,

it appears red circle on top of onedrive icon serves notification when there updates need installed on application. isolate onedrive notification concern, we'd ask few questions:

  • are still seeing update button when go apple app store?
  • how did update application?

meanwhile, can refer thread same issue having. refer steps shared sudheendra s about doing clean onedrive installation.

we'll wait response , assist accordingly.

OneDrive / Options and settings / Desktop settings / OneDrive for Mac


  1. I think I found out this is the number of files on my Macbook being synchronized with OneDrive that have forbidden characters in them. These may include:
    long dashes ---
    commas ,
    Quotes "
    Pipes |

    Once I replaced these characters with dashes, the "Sahre" option for these folders became selectable (no longer grayed out) and the little number didn't show up.

    So that may be it.

    1. The filenames with bad characters were marked with red Xs. Some folders didn't clear their red X's, but I moved teh fixed files out of them, into a new folder, deleted the old folder and I was able to share the new folder with all the fixed files.


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