OWA for IPhone - Microsoft Community

i have been using app 1 year , have never had issue.  last night started seeing message says 'downloading app update. may take few minutes.'  has been stuck there , can't open new emails come in.  can see new emails if try open them read received message states 'error: request can't completed right now.  please try again later.'  have deleted app , downloaded again problem still exists.  thoughts?

hi kathy,

for situation, please try following methods give shot:

1. keep devices (outlook client, owa) configured same account using in owa iphone closed temporarily. remove account owa iphone , re-add it.

2. make sure iphone os version newly updated. if not, upgrade it. 

3. change wi-fi 3g/4g, vice versa. 

if possible, may try iphone see if improvement. can identify whether issue related app.



Office / Outlook / iPhone & iPad / Office 365 for business


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