Problem with videos in PowerPoint Kiosk-Mode under Android - Microsoft Community

dear all

i’m trying play powerpoint presentation in kiosk-mode on android phone , tablet. works far, there problems videos. loaded presentations in 1 drive:!aifj705cs3nnhm8b6mpdxlmyb-9o

problem 1: on presentation7_2videos.pptx, have 2 videos in second slide. if play presentation, first slide been shown, after 5 seconds second slide shown. idea here start playing 1 video, when finishes, other 1 started. works on pc windows 10, not on android phone nor on tablet. can else test it? maybe bug?

problem 2: on presentation1_android.pptx, have video in second slide, starts automatically when showing slide. works on android tablet; however, in phone video played first time presentation shown. after second time, video won't played anymore. thing can think problem android version; in tablet version 7, while on phone, have version 6. can test in android 6 device , see if works? i'm not sure if problem phone or android. unfortunately, don’t have android 6 device test.

here specs of phone:

  • model: lenovo k33b36
  • andoid version: 6.0.1
  • kernel version:


buildslave@njbs12 # 1

mon feb 20 15:23:08 cst 2017

  • processor: msm8937 (8 core 1.4ghz)
  • ram: 2 gb
  • storage: 32 gb

and tablet:

  • model: galaxy tab s2 / sm-t710
  • android version: 7.0
  • kernel version:


dpi@swhe0712 #1

wed mar 29 20:12:42 kst 2017

is there chance correct problems? i’m planning use powerpoint on android tv, has android 6. haven't bought tv.


best regards


hi josef,

there few possible reasons why you're experiencing issue when playing videos on powerpoint presentation. regarding concern, powerpoint app updated? if so, possible that  there's compatibility issue when playing videos in powerpoint presentation android phone. file works fine because can play videos on in computer , tablet. in case, appreciate if raise our team feedback going powerpoint suggestion box check app , make adjustment if needed improve performance of powerpoint app.

let know if need further assistance.

Office / PowerPoint / Android phone & tablet / Office Mobile apps


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