Unable to edit text in Microsoft Word template. - Microsoft Community


title pretty sums up. purchased office software not long ago update resume. issue i'm having when goto use 1 of pre-made templates within app, i'm unable edit anything. if able me, it'd highly appreciated!


hi curtis,

from description, not able edit text in specific word pre-made template. narrow down issue, please provide information below:

  1. what’s template related issue? personal customized template or original template in word?
  2. can edit in template?
  3. what’s office version?  please go word > word check it. example, 15.41.
  4. do meet error messages when try edit? if so, please provide screenshot it. if not, mean there’s no response when type something? copy paste? tool bars greyed out?

if issue happens normal template, please go ~/users/<your login name>/library/group containers/ubf8t346g9.office/user content/templates move normal template file desktop, relaunch word app see result.



Office / Word / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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