Exchange Hosting. - Microsoft Community

i presently use 365 home , want upgrade 365 business premium. doing microsoft e-mail address must registered or licensed. if able receive e-mails present , microsoft address , keep outlook info date both?


will have change present exchange hoster microsoft?

***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.***

hi marc,

since using office 365 home, please noted (office 365 home) provided office apps (ie, outlook, word, excel, etc) no email service. or can understand doesn’t provide office 365 account. say, current email account isn’t office 365 account. 

once upgrade office home office 365 business premium, (office 365 business premium) provided office 365 account (email service) besides office apps.  at time, recommended change current exchange hosting provider microsoft (office 365 business premium) if still want receive emails old account. 


Office / Unknown/other / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home


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