Microsoft Word and other programs open when Windows 10 reboots - Microsoft Community

ever since updated windows 10 in late november when computer restarts opens microsoft word 2016 in several windows, though shut down word when ended last session.  doesn't open it, opens several windows , when try close windows asks me if want save template.  on top of this, opens program in startup, twice.  program automatically runs ulogic necessary pen monitor.  runs, closes, opens again, , have manually close it.  can tell has new "feature" opens programs working on before shutdown , there no way turn off feature.  annoying.

i'm guessing didn't search before posting this, there numerous previous threads on subject. windows update somehow corrupted user profile. logging in different profile workaround , solves problem original profile, fix come in future update windows 10 users have received.

Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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