Outlook 2016 on Mac - Microsoft Community


i have problem creating task in outlook 2016 using mac os sierra. 

the main issue can create task, after saved , closed seen nowhere. tried find in tasks bar still nothing. 

please help, useful thing! 

best regards.

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hi vadym,

for creating task in outlook mac, please refer to https://support.office.com/en-us/article/video-create-and-complete-tasks-on-a-mac-77a35c77-8fd2-45ff-91ec-18dd2e9ebd12

if did above mentioned issue persists, may provide related screenshots steps of creating task can analyze it. meanwhile, if using office 365 accoount, may try in owa (temporarily close outlook mac client) see if task can created there. can identify if issue related client. 

by way, make sure outlook 2016 mac newly updated. if so, clarify version number. 


Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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