Office 365 not sending email - leaves in Outbox - Microsoft Community

using office 365 home subscription.  outlook open on computer , using email send & receive.

when sending email within outlook, non accounts send & received fine. email not send email.  

yesterday, hit send/receive all, 4 times on 15 minutes.  not until last time email sent (after 4:30) , email in sent folder showed send time of 4:15 when first tried send it.

another email never did send.  still in outbox morning.  never send.  created new email (same info, copy/paste text original email new 1 , worked fine.

one thing have noticed -- seems emails don't send show in outbox under "date" of "none".  cannot figure out determining whether go in under today's date or "none".

i have "send immediately" turned off in options, never caused problem in past.  (i want couple of minutes have option change mind or modify.)

this rendering outlook email paying utterly useless.

moved from: / email / sending, receiving, , reading email

hi suzanne,

this issue sending email using email have happened due several reasons corrupted profile or outdated settings of email. resolve issues outlook, suggest follow steps provided in article. give different troubleshooting steps resolve issue.

let know if need further assistance.

Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 365 Home


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