Outlook 2016 Email Sync Settings - Microsoft Community

upgraded old pc running vista , windows mail new pc running windows 10 , outlook 2016. email client on desktop sync both email providers web access , provider's mobile app. when opened email desktop client, emails download or deleted both web , mobile clients, no longer happens. emails appear in 3 places time. wanted see if there setting within outlook 2016 make work way did when using windows mail. called provider , weren't helpful, tried, weren't able help. please let me know thoughts. thanks.

i think it's doing beucase of how email account configured or added on outlook.

with mail app before mean once mails synced computer, messages disappears web , phone app?

it might doing becuase account configured pop. pop works contacting email service , downloading of new messages it. once downloaded onto pc or mac, deleted email service

if messages synced on devices, email might configured imap. imap allows access email wherever are, device. when read email message using imap, aren't downloading or storing on computer; instead, you're reading email service.

check link more info -> https://support.office.com/en-us/article/what-are-imap-and-pop-ca2c5799-49f9-4079-aefe-ddca85d5b1c9

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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