Skype for Business Online calls from West coast always go to gateway - Microsoft Community

in ms skype media quality document mention there exists skype business west coast data center. our group didn't implement express route. still think call traffic directed network edge on west coast rather east coast. having travel east coast rtt right @ edge , on 100ms threshold noted in mqncp document. document further notes that " the microsoft network has on 160 edge locations worldwide." why traffic going east coast before hitting ms edge? there way change hit edge on west coast or closer other side of continent? 

1 other mystery medial quality document: "
for testing internet connections microsoft network, recommended test against following vips of skype business media relays. anycast vip resolve ip address of media relay in microsoft network edge site closest testing location. vip world wide anycast ip" when ping anycast address low 20ms. great if latency actual ms skype edge gateways. note actual calls never low latency. express route way company on west coast decent latency microsoft skype edge gateway? thoughts appreciated. our internal stats voice.  think trip our edge ms edge causing problems.

ps able tell ms skype voip gateway looking @ skype analytics , looking @ rtp traffic in wireshark. 

hi livindadream,


in situation, recommended implement azure expressroute. regarding “why traffic going east coast before hitting ms edge?” have not such experience scenario actually. welcome community members share idea here.




Office / Skype for Business / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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