No access to office programs - Microsoft Community

opened computer

attempted open word via taskbar......"the item shortcut refers has been changed or want delete shortcut"

same excel.exe etc etc

went c: program file microsoft office 15 client x64.    integrates office. tells me have newer version of office installed 

microsoft office 365 en us

have run numerous searches office 365 no avail

deleted word shortcut on taskbar hoping find , pin new pathway no avail

now have no word program open of assignments....please help....mature aged student losing mind.

hi rachel,

for narrow down , provide proper resolution, may know if have installed software applications or changed hardware devices device prior concern?

when did start encountering issue?
changes made on computer prior issue?
have tried possible troubleshooting steps? if yes, steps , did error messages?


Office / Word / Other/unknown / Office 365 Home


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