Word 2010 Undo Edit in Spellcheck... - Microsoft Community

using office 2010 on microsoft surface 4 pro (windows 10).  nearly 100 users have same setup, 1 has symptom , cannot replicate issue anywhere else.  have reinstalled, repaired, replaced custom.dic, , checked settings in proofing...to no avail.


in word (and outlook), when spellcheck launched, ignore once button replaced undo edit.  only undo edit , cancel available use.  if click undo edit, spellcheck works normally.  searches show fix later version of office not 2010.  

any idea causing and/or solution?


need identify what's causing "ignore once" button disappear , replaced "undo edit" button in outlook 2010 , word 2010. can check if "ignore once" button appear if spell check sentence misspelled word? also, can provide screenshot showing "undo edit" button appeared in spell checker?

Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2010


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