Is there a way to prevent contacts related to an email account from - Microsoft Community

i have 2 email accounts configured in outlook. 1 organization, other related project sub contractor on. sign skype business organization. not trying utilize other email account. the problem skype business displays contacts both when searching contact. means instead of displaying list of 150 contacts, it's searching through on 8,000 contacts. makes bit obnoxious when trying find co-worker quickly. there way prevent skype business displaying contacts related sub contractor email address short of removing account outlook entirely?

hi jeffrey,

please noted show contacts (users) while searching display name or several letters of name of user in skype business. let me explain more: imagine contact going search in skype business names "james haward". type letters "jam", search result show "jame wu", "james wong" or "jam seaman", etc. even, type display name "james haward", might show more 1 "james haward" more 1 user can named "james haward". 

the above information not related outlook accounts skype business users. right procedure should search contact via his/her email address each contact should have unique email address. via method, skype business should give 1 contact. 


Office / Skype for Business / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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