Issues with Outlook 2011 and Mac (Crash) - Microsoft Community


my outlook 2011 crashes after start. following log appears.

what can ?

no work possible.


reto schwendimann


microsoft error reporting log version: 2.0

error signature:
exception: exc_bad_access
date/time: 2017-11-10 16:56:08 +0000
application name: microsoft outlook
application bundle id:
application signature: opim
application version:
crashed module name: microsoftcomponentplugin
crashed module version:
crashed module offset: 0x00019d79
blame module name: microsoftcomponentplugin
blame module version:
blame module offset: 0x00019d79
application lcid: 1033
app info: reg=en loc=0x0409
crashed thread: 0

hi reto,


thanks response.


in situation, may know if outlook 2011 mac latest version? latest version 14.7.7, if not, suggested update it. if can’t start outlook 2011 mac, can open others office application update, word, excel. go menu , choose check update.


after october 10, 2017, office mac 2011 no longer receive bug fixes , security updates. therefore, might not able provide further official support outlook 2011 mac. in situation, suggested upgrade office 2016 mac better experience.


thanks , understanding appreciated.




Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 2011 for Mac


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