Meeting Invite Macro Round 2 - Microsoft Community

i trying create macro meeting invitation @ location, , if finds text "meet", check body of invitation see if 1 of 2 other phrases present.  if is, sends invite, if not, provides warning.  i created code below help.  but not working.


private withevents items outlook.items <-is correct intro?  i wrote similar macro when sending email , started with private sub application_itemsend(byval item object, cancel boolean)
private sub application_startup()
  dim ns outlook.namespace
  set ns = application.getnamespace("mapi")
  set items = ns.getdefaultfolder(olfoldercalendar).items
  set meetingtext = appointmentitem.body < - should meetingitem.body?
  set meet = 0
end sub
private sub items_itemadd(byval item object)
  on error resume next
    if item.class = olappointment then
        if item.subject = "meet" then
            if instr(1, item.body, "a meeting has been added.", vbtextcompare) > 0 meet = 1
            if instr(1, item.body, " important notice: please note service allows ", vbtextcompare) > 0 meet = 1
        end if
   end if
if amexmeet = 1 then
        prompt = "this invite not contain amexmeet link.  do want proceed?"
        if msgbox(prompt, vbyesno + vbexclamation + vbmsgboxsetforeground, "check address") = vbno then
            cancel = true
        end if
end if
end sub

hi paul,

for better assistance regard creating macro, suggest post query on forum to best support experts. should in hands.

if have other concerns, don't hesitant post on forum.

Office / Outlook / Microsoft Office Programming


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