outlook.com emailing to groups - Microsoft Community

i've used outlook.com emailing several years , have been happy it.

i need email groups of people , until around week ago click on little + sign expand group , delete several names if didn't wish all members receive email.  can't see little + sign , therefore have email members of group or compose email add names 1 @ time tedious.  wish send email group, groups contain 15 members, , it's tedious have add 14 names when send 1 in group.

can advise me please?


thank ernie

i've found way of expanding email group names putting pointer on grey area side of 'to' in new email box , scrolling group name, clicking on , group name little + sign comes in 'to' bar.

by clicking on + sign group members appeared.  

previously started type group name , system predicted group name appeared without little + sign meant not see group members.

thank you

Outlook.com / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email


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