No access privileges opening document from Office Online (365) - Microsoft Community

we're developing microsoft office add-in , provide encounter issues switching editing document on office online `edit in word`.

user registered **microsoft outlook account** has access **shared directory** (folder) on **sharepoint site**. *edit: opening file on users own onedrive works.*

results in prompt office mac ask user sign-in.

after sign-in, office mac shows dialog saying `user not have access privileges` message in word on mac.

user registered **microsoft outlook account** has access **shared directory** (folder) on **sharepoint site**. user registered **external user** (through invitation has been accepted) on azure active directory , part of user group on active directory can edit folder. user has access directory via group permission, not directly.

browsing folder via `https://[app][shareddirectory]` user works. documents can opened , edited on **microsoft online**. switching online edition `edit in word` or `edit in excel` fails after signing-in user. 

same user signed-in microsoft office mac , should not prompted again authenticate.

moment of signing-in, word , excel behave different.
word shows dialog saying `word cannot open document: user not have access privileges.`

excel keeps prompting user sign-in.

on windows 10, edit in word/excel works. if user not signed-in microsoft office windows yet, prompt appears similar office mac, asking user sign in. after sign-in, user signed-in office windows, document opens , can edited , saved.

there way ensure shared documents can edited through office mac?

mac version used `15.37 (170815)`

hi alex(),

thanks sharing experience us.

external users cannot open shared word , excel files in office client on mac via edit in word/excel button. workaround, can download files online via (…)>download, open them in client.

regarding behavior, welcome , encourage submit feedback uservoice. best way let related team hear voice.

many features have been designed or upgraded based on users' feedback.

we appreciated understanding.


Office / Word / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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