Outlook known issues in the June 2017 security updates - Microsoft Community

here's article microsoft last updated 6/30/17 regarding issue outlook....


this article supports microsoft aware outlook 6/13/17 auto update has caused issues users of outlook 2007, 2010, 2013 & 2016 , working on fix.  the article updated used read....those running office 365 fix available...and gave instructions how install fix. further read other channels of outlook update released on july public update offering date (that was...july 11, 2017).  the fix not offered on july 11, , article has been updated no longer addresses fix outlook 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016 fix microsoft...broke.

i spoke microsoft today , told unbelievable...  i told outlook 2007 no longer supported microsoft after october 2017.  i told other technologies today updates take place , updates adversely impact technology...the example gave me was, take car dealership fixed. fix problem see update available cars system , install it.  after install update car no longer run , not have update fix car if want car need go showroom , buy new one.  really, not making up.   

how can microsoft away pushing out auto update....acknowledge update caused software not run did prior update , doing nothing correct caused?  the update after installed not allow user open attachments saved in outlook ...you must drag attachment desktop , open.

i have deleted kb3191898 released during 6/13/17 updates.....and after deleting it, outlook 2007 open attachments without having drag them on desktop.  i have unchecked in win10 update windows, advanced options.."give me updates other microsoft when update windows" kb3191898 won't re-install again.  

bottom line...microsoft releases update, adversely impacts outlook 2007, on june 13, 2017 (and maybe before than) in articles says acknowledge update adversely impacted outlook 2007 opening , saving attachments within outlook 2007, article updates read fix released fix microsoft broke 6/13/17 update on july public offering date, didn't happen, , there no mention in same article (its been updated) mention releasing fix other users using office 365....

how can be?

anyone else have confirmed updated information?  surely there lots of users using outlook 2007,2010,2013, , 2016 me, need microsoft release fix....yet ones got fix office 365 users.......  is microsoft saying. broke it, know it...if want fixed buy office 365....which guess has outlook component.  

they still working on fix. original fixes pulled because of other new issues. don't want pull original update security update.

deploying fixes office 365 easiest them since up-to-date code. msi-version of outlook 2016 quite different in code when compared outlook 2016 of office 365 backporting fixes takes time. in many cases, outlook 2007 last 1 gets port of work done version done backport of newer versions. in case, found out issues before outlook 2007 patch released never finished patch.

outlook 2007 indeed no longer supported after october 10, 2017. on 10 years after released , target date announced upon release (or got extended in between) nothing new , doesn't have bugs in patch. 5 years mainstream support , 5 years extended support applied pretty office versions ever released.

anyway, said, microsoft still working on patch other versions including 1 outlook 2007. unfortunately, no eta has been set yet august 1 (non-security updates) , august 8 (security updates) dates new fix released if ready.

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2007


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