Sharepoint Online - O365: When does a "Defined Crawl - Microsoft Community

i have taken steps "reindex" sharepoint site includes large amount of data migrated. has been 24 hours since "reindex"ing , still cannot search files in sharepoint online. there vague language near "reindex" button, "marking site reindexing enable site picked during next scheduled search crawl." cannot find explanation of when "next scheduled crawl" occur.

please help.

hi mark,

from description, using default search box search files. content automatically crawled based on defined crawl schedule in sharepoint online, searchable using default search box. moreover, re-indexing site can cause massive load on search system, don’t suggest re-index site unless you’ve made changes require items re-indexed.

so re-indexing may take long time.

in environment, have migrated data newly created site , files can searchable without issues, suggest use site instead @ work. can add more data in , search them in site see outcome.

if encounter issues later, based on specific symptoms, suggest post new thread on our forum expert help.



Office / SharePoint Online / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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