When I try to play any song in Groove, I get an error that say - Microsoft Community

hello, need groove. stopped working , wont play song comes groove pass. when try play song loads moment , message error appears says: “can't play item missing or can't it. 0x80070002”.

it happens music included in groove pass, no matter if song has downloaded in pc or playing via streaming, gives me same error. songs onedrive or local files work fine.

i have tried repair issue using methods like:

  • uninstalling app cccleaner, powershell script , manually (getting ownership of windowsapps folder , deleting zune music folders).
  • re-registering app powershell
  • deleting files in temp folder.
  • using windows update , windows apps troubleshooter (this worst one, broke other apps)
  • repairing windows iso file.

i added account without groove pass , can play previews fine. think problem not music files “thing” checks if subscription valid, became damaged.

Music, Movies & TV / Groove Music


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