
Showing posts from May, 2011

An icon called My Office appeared on my desktop t - Microsoft Community

icon appear microsoft. terms of use totally unacceptable, have not used it. use office 2013 serves me well. version of office looks going charge me. purpose of , can delete it. hi howard, possible due recent changes on computer, including installing updates. isolate issue, we'd ask questions: any recent changes made on computer prior issue? have installed update? which windows 10 version/build installed on computer? check, type winver in search bar. in addition, kindly send screenshot of office icon appeared on desktop. make sure there no personal information included. we're looking forward response. Office / Unknown/other / Windows 10 / Unknown/other

Sending e-mails with a Mail Folder address (Outlook 2007) - Microsoft Community

i working in client relations management small company office 2007. supervisor has asked me send numerous e-mails account created (*** email address removed privacy ***). claims account can accessed logging in through work e-mail address (*** email address removed privacy ***); however, when so, *** email address removed privacy *** account appears under mail folders tab. according supervisor, in remote location, *** email address removed privacy *** (a mail folder in *** email address removed privacy ***' account) should allow me contact clients *** email address removed privacy *** , not *** email address removed privacy ***; unfortunately, cannot seem find option/ button/ tab allow me so.  to create better reference framework, chain of command goes follows: 1. login outlook 2007 *** email address removed privacy *** 2. under mail folders, find *** email address removed privacy *** folder 3. use *** email address removed privacy *** fol...

Microsoft Outlook 2010 - Microsoft Community

i getting error message on send box  task '****.***@**** - sending' reported error (0x8004010f) : 'outlook data file cannot accessed.' <moved / messaging / other> ***personal information deleted moderator. please see the   microsoft community asked questions   for more information on how can protect privacy.*** it working previously? has been changed/updated? have run office repair (office diagnostics)? Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 2010

Outlook Calendar Email Notification - Microsoft Community

created time off calendar in outlook shared between co-workers enter time off requests.  i know if possible email notification sent me each time makes entry on calendar , saves it. we appreciate responding information need. suggest post concern on technet forum on link . forum comprises of specialists , professionals can provide advanced assistance notifying through email when user creates entry on calendar you've. regards. Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 2013

auto capitalization in Office 365 outlook - Microsoft Community

how set email auto capitalize when write in office 365 outlook?   hi jennifer, description, understand want auto-correct capitalization in outlook on web (office 365). if so, please visit outlook on web (office 365) uservoice vote or leave feedback/ suggestion improve our products feature. many features of current programs have been designed , upgraded based on customers’ feedback. time , understanding highly appreciated. best regards, shyamal Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 365 for business

importing my calendar from another outlook account - Microsoft Community

i retiring @ end of month , want transfer contacts , calendar work email/outlook new personal computer. how can import them office 365 outlook? hi scott,   may know type or account? if using office 365 accounts via exchange portal, don’t need transfer contacts , calendars, sync on new personal computer automatically.   if not, need export contacts , calendars , import them new personal computer. can follow instructions below:   1 . export contacts , calendar pst file on old computer. see link reference: 2 . transfer pst file new personal computer. 3 . import pst file outlook client on new computer. refer link detailed steps:

Password issues - Microsoft Community

have bought 365 licence , run email account on outlook.  have changed password , inexplicably both forgot write down , have forgotten it!  consequently when on email account can see old items can't refresh asking password.  when try , reset outlook password online going round in circles , getting messages haven't set administrator.  need physically speak resolve.  can please? hi ianwightman,   if admin has given permission reset password go to, . contact admin if don't have permission change password.   for admins, please sign in office 365 portal office 365 admin account. navigate users > active users > select affected user , click reset password .   regards, barry Office / Outlook / Other/unknown ...

Outlook / Business contact manager - Microsoft Community

bought new computer. installed office 2007 business contact manager (32 bit). good.upgraded office professional plus 2013. downloaded bcm full upgrade microsoft.  bcm not appear in outlook or in add ins. hi john, outlook bcm not supported in windows 10. check system requirements in this link. update if need further assistance. best regards, Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2013

Outlook folders -emails never to be seen again - Microsoft Community

hi all i'm having problem outlook folders. i'm running office 365 , have exchange email account installed.  whenever move e-mail folder mail doesn't show in folder message on folder 'we didn't find show here' happens whether use move function or drag item.  help please x hi wayne, incorrectly configured settings , application errors few of possible reasons why you’re having challenges accessing outlook folders. confirm if you’re seeing same screenshots below when clicking imap folders suggested e excel. if you’re not seeing same or if issue persists after following e excel’s suggestion, possible have configure few settings. since mentioned you’re using exchange, best if posting concern our technet forums . way able in-depth technical assistance resolve issue outlook folder. in meantime, can try updating office following these steps: click file . select office acc...

Adding users of office 365 groups - Microsoft Community

i have outlook attached 5 office 365 accounts. have different packages (levels) on each. when create group , go add members of time autosuggest not find members. have type email name in full , add (even not recognised). curiously if create  new mail recognises same things group creation not - bene bringing friendly initials when in online version of interface. k outlook has been crap @ handling contacts , insists on dividing contacts seemingly arbitrary lists (all contacts, global address, users, etc. etc - knows each , e-mail account well) - @ least can go address ui , try each 1 - in group membership in outlook there seems no option choose looking (or indication). ideally, i'd search contacts i'd settle other people in address fro them same account using. e.g. when using might @ least try looking in global list *** email address removed privacy *** when type fred. know looking? have never found match when have type 1 charact...

Email not showing up in office 365 - Microsoft Community

hello of email messages see on phone missing when go 365 other messages received before , after missing email. not until search (which can because notified of existence phone) appear. notably morning had several billing messages microsoft 365. you need state type of mail account, pop, imap, hotmail or? and whether have undertaken office repair? Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business

Outlook Search Stuck! Outlook 2016 (Click to Run) - Microsoft Community

split thread. this seems have become problem on thursday, september 28, 2017.  cannot believe need re-index of people in firm experiencing issue. seems update on end caused this. is way fix? thanks in advance. dawn hi dawn,   no. since original thread old , root cause may different, steps in original thread isn’t way troubleshoot problem. better user experience, split reply new thread. please work solve problem in thread.   a fix search problem in original thread has been released on june 27, 2017. please refer “issue #5: "something went wrong..." or "search results may incomplete" error when searching in outlook [fixed]” part of article check if situation same: outlook known issues in june 2017 security updates . if yes, please try steps in article troubleshoot problem on affected outlook client. also, can perform steps mentioned in original thread solve problem.   if ...

ran into a problem while installing the product key - Microsoft Community

receiving on error on office 365 ran problem while installing product key. tried repair tried reinstalling outlook 365 checked on line account make sure ok. how fix this? hi rickmccauley,     troubleshot issue please tell more details it. screenshot of issue handle it.   please tell office 365 subscription. if using personal subscription, please connect key vendor.   if using office 365 subscription ,please ask administrator make sure whether behind proxy server or firewall.   suggest check whether have appropriate license. here helpful steps :   1 sign in office 365 portal.    2 click settings , , click office 365 settings .   3 locate assigned licenses area.   4 if see the latest desktop version of office , have office subscription assigned correctly.   5 if don't see the latest desktop version of office , contact admin.     regards, ne...

Multiple distribution lists in the To Field - Microsoft Community

1 of our workgroups is seeing problem putting multiple distribution lists in field of message. if expand distribution lists there gap between first expanded distribution , second expanded distribution semi-colon @ end of first , semi-colon @ beginning of second. if not notice problem second distributions not processed. have determined work-around removing semi-colon inserted outlook prior second distribution , hitting backspace key - removes gap. sure not design , wondering if else has seen problem , if there better solution. hi michael, it due corrupt setting in outlook causes gap between distribution lists. first troubleshooting step, suggest install office updates. installing office updates assure latest bug fixes installed on device. may follow steps here in install office updates depending on office version using. Office / Outlook ...

Not receiving Access_Token in oAuth - Microsoft Community

hi, this first time developing oauth app. have developed google, yahoo , facebook , works well. on other hand outlook giving me lot of trouble. first opening web browser user consent following url ionic app. works without issue on ios, android , windows platforms.[abcd].com/redirect.html&response_type=code&client_id=[client_id]&scope=openid%20email%20offline_access&prompt=login& authorization code. no problem far send post request follows .net c# code on server side[above_code]&client_id=client_id]&client_secret=client_secret]&redirect_uri= unfortunately refresh_token , id_token not access_token , token_type, expires_in or else. tried c...

Powerpoint hyperlink problem - Microsoft Community

i created presentaion yeaterday. in added picture hyperlink. saved in local disk f. copy folder containing slide , image pendrive , opened in computer. click link image. says path not found.. do? surya, best option use built in option in powerpoint package presentation , linked images . . . go to: file - export - package cd alternatively have use relative file path press alt + f9 show links, change path file whole path not listed {includepicture "c:\\users\\username\\my documents\\my pictures\logz/picture1.jpg"/d} becomes {includepicture "logz/picture1.jpg" \d} Office / PowerPoint / Other/unknown / Office 2013

Microsoft Project 2010 (Number of days late for a project) - Microsoft Community

hello, how can show number of days late in microsoft project 2010?  have late status indicator field , status indicator field, know number of days late on different tasks.  job start 9/27/16 , still has not started , want show number of days late each task, if can me this, great-full. msm_1718 -- assuming saved baseline project, click view tab display view ribbon.  in data section of view ribbon, click table pick list , select variance table.  drag split bar right can see of columns in variance table.  column called finish variance column show slippage data seek.  hope helps. Office / Project / Windows 10 / Office 2010

disable text interpretation/hyperlinking in IMs - Microsoft Community

hi, is there way can configure skype business mac not interpret ims sending? instance, when send im "can meet tomorrow?", tomorrow gets rewritten hyperlink referring new appointment in outlook calendar tomorrow noon. subsequent numbers can interpreted tel links. can disable feature? thank & best regards, christophorus  Office / Skype for Business / Mac / Office 365 for business

Skype for business for mac can't log in in the intranet - Microsoft Community

the skype business mac cannot log in when connects intranet's wifi, works fine when use outside internet (e.g, mobile phone hotspot). , skype fine windows laptop when connects to intranet's wifi. i grateful if can suggest solution, thank you! hi 文章, firstly, check if version latest. also, please let know detailed intranet environment. have deployed adfs 3.0 service? if yes, please try workaround in article below: in addition, error message when try log skype business mac in intranet wifi? if skype business online user, please use *** email address removed privacy ***. otherwise, use domain\username. thanks, edward Office / Skype for Business / Mac ...

SharePoint Issue Tracker - Mobile App - Microsoft Community

split thread. hello, i think have same issue daniel can access issue table , specific records on sharepoint mobile app can't change or add new item. there no plus button or edit button. , yes can modify list on desktop. regards paweł hi paweł ,   thanks reply.   i share information not feasible add , change items in sharepoint app on android mobile . given situation, welcome , encourage share ideas through user voice . providing feedback best way perfect our products , services. we appreciate valuable insights.   as workaround, can sign sharepoint in web on android mobile, edit items , add new item.   regards, yoga Office / SharePoint Online / Android phone & tablet / Office 365 for business

Issue with IE 11 and Office 365 Sharepoint - Microsoft Community

i have windows 10 laptop , have 2 office 365 small business accounts. have 1 business account personal business , 1 have access firm subcontracting to. today installed windows 10 update. the issue when sign second account in ie11 sharepoint window on office 365 platform shows no sites, , settings cog not open. can access second account in chrome , edge, however, ie11 supports infopath designer, why trying gain access. @ point in frustrating event, have received error message first business account user not have access other business account. part confusing because have made sure signed correct account. other confirming crazy, have ideas? the funny thing may have been signed both maybe once, after clear avoid being signed both account.  however, able resolve issue when cleared of items in ie11 history folder. guess had redirecting item blank site. thank insight, appreciated. rick ...

Word online, saving to SharePoint online - Microsoft Community

when creating new document using word online, how can our staff save new document sharepoint online library? save doesn't have option. hi mariam, to create new document , must navigate document library want store document, default behavior of sharepoint online. document created in library cannot saved location clicking on save as. given situation, i’ll suggest provide feedback in sharepoint online uservoice . uservoice best way give feedback product group, actively monitored them , many new features have been implemented our customers suggestions. regards, neha Office / SharePoint Online / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business

Can I have a Sway with the possibility to switch the language of the - Microsoft Community

hello everyone, i working on trip report microsoft sway. not want show sway speaks english fluently, wondering if there way make multilingual sway, users computer set german content shown in german, while else sees in english - without making 2 separate sways have same layout, structure, pictures, etc.? thanks in advance recommendations. best regards, matthias hi matthias, sway not have translation feature.  however, because sways viewed web pages, browser features or browser addins translate web pages in place should work.  should suggest viewers try 1 of those. jason Office / Sway / Windows 10

Maintaining Numbering of Questions when Adding textbook chapters to - Microsoft Community

i have created separate textbook chapters using word 15.4 , adding them form 1 book. i adding chapters using insert section break. can maintain separate chapter titles in header no problem.but numbers of questions change. for example if chapter 1 has questions: a. true or false 1. kjlkjkjl 2. hkdsjfkj b. fill in blank 1. jkljlk ___ jlkjlj 2. kjlkjlj ___kjlkjlk then add chapter 2 in, had a. true or false 2 questions, , b. fill in blanks 2 questions, add follows: c. true or false 4.jkljkjkl 5. jkljl  d. fill in blank 6. jkljlkjl ____ kjljlkj 7. klkl;k ___ jikjlkjl    how can keep lettering , numbering changing? need use outline numbering. Office / Word / Mac / Office 365 Home

How do I re-enable Diacritics>Use this color Word 2016 Mac - Microsoft Community

i on sierra 10.12.6, using 2016 office microsoft word mac v 15.39. i unchecked box diacritics (word>preferences>view), removed asian fonts system preferences>language & region, relaunched word. trying diacritics option has disappeared. before:    after:  i tried reversing did, must have missed something. thoughts? thanks in advance. messing languages & region doesn't remove "fonts".  what did , why?  try putting stuff back. Office / Word / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac

Microsoft Word not responding on Mac despite restarting computer, - Microsoft Community

using new mac (only year or 2 old) , have been having trouble microsoft word (only word, rest of office has been fine) on last few months every , opening document or opening application results in spinning rainbow circle must force quit. every time open word says "word unable load add-in." trying open word again gives same result , restart computer , works (until next time stops responding). today, however, despite 8 restarts, word still refuses work. uninstalled word , reinstalled it, restarted computer still nothing. please help! feel have tried , not sure else can done??? have been trying fix day , said, mac rather new , there around 10gb of free space not sure if problem caused computer or microsoft. in advance.  hi harrison, thanks screenshots. regarding error message "endnote cwyw word 2016.bundle", lt looks have install endnote on mac , there compatible issue here. please follow steps belo...

New product key - Microsoft Community

split thread. i need new product key microsoft no longer sells provides service office 2007. if no longer have key product box, have purchase new key. since product no longer available new, should check vendors such ebay , amazon used product, can buy @ reasonable price. Office / Word / Other/unknown / Office 2007

activation of my word products - Microsoft Community

have account guys cant activate , ive put right email , password in , ive resetted password , still same issues. hi toi, we ask questions can assist you: how trying activate office? are getting error message? if yes, can provide screenshot of error message? what troubleshooting steps have performed far? Office / Word / Other/unknown / Office 2010

I subscribed to Word but I can't access documents - Microsoft Community

split thread. i subscribed word still not me word documents. help. have activated office? see . Office / Word / Other/unknown / Unknown/other

chat and game chat - Microsoft Community

i cant write on chat , cant use game (coral isle)  team chat have posted in forum word in microsoft office 2013. don't see how question relevant word. Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2013

MS Word 2013: when I add new comment in draft view the cursor goes - Microsoft Community

another guy has  a similar problem  (it goes @ end of doc). comments feature work as expected in print or web view. any idea how solve this? thanks! i can't reproduce that. when add comment in draft view, document flip beginning of document split second , returns location of comment. might take little longer in large document or on computer less capable video card, shouldn't take more second. make sure have latest updates of office , video driver. if doesn't help, run repair of office . Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2013

Invisible Lines - Microsoft Community

i can't figure out why signature lines that i put in my word documents become invisible.  make them using shift key , dash key , font times new roman.  i can only see them in print preview mode. they print ok lines definitely there.  why can't see them? any advice appreciated. thanks. display of underlines (especially in recent versions) varies zoom ratio, line spacing, whether line @ bottom of page, etc. or need update display driver. for start, though, try changing zoom see whether helps. Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2016

Word 2016 crashes when trying to PDF with Adobe Acrobat DC. - Microsoft Community

word 2016 crashes when trying pdf adobe acrobat dc. happens large document not time. updates installed. message remove acrobat add-ins use daily. have fix? thank you. there issue acrobat dc plugin , word 2016 , acrobat dc , windows 10 ever since original creators update! remove plugin , when want use acrobat, click print - set adobe acrobat printer way of accessing acrobat distiller , not generate errors . . . Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2016

Block convert .wps files - Microsoft Community

help. have few thousand .wps files written under ms works 6 , 9..they can converted .doc, .docx or .odt 1 @ time. takes unacceptable manhours  , unacceptable lose them. there must way block convert these files in batches. in batches of 100 great time saver. the fastest way have found far open several in ms works 9 , save them 1 @ time new folder .docx. still time consuming , subject operator error.  see following page of fellow mvp graham mayor's website: Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home

Word Ruler - Microsoft Community

hello, i'm having problem ms word. when set zoom 100%, paper sheet shown smaller.  the problem images insert in document being  affected , end in bad resolution.  i guess origin of problem screen resolution of computer, have no idea how solve it. have same problem , solve it? hello diego, your word app might in print layout view smaller how web layout can view. better isolate issue, know following information: when did issue first occur? have made recent changes before encounter issue? how did try insert image on word file? have encounter same issue when using other office  applications? for meantime, can try change view on word app going view tab, select between print or web layout . let know if changing view resolve concern. we looking forward response. Office / Word / ...

Is it possible to restrict editing of Word document only to - Microsoft Community

is possible restrict editing of word document highlighting text &/or underlying &/or changing color of text restriction delete text. the intention use word document read, underline, highlight text cannot deleted, can in pdf file. the intention preserve text , no deletion of text in word document thousands of pages , error of touch screen or keyboard portion of text deleted unknowingly. thank you. hi, there lot of formatting restrictions can set on microsoft word. can restrict users edit part of file or restrict formatting changes on document. feature on highlighting , underlining document cannot attained 1 command. help, might find these articles useful guide restrictions on formatting file: restrict or permit formatting changes allow changes parts of protected document if need further assistance, feel free ask us. Office / Wo...

windows media player problems syncing with my galaxy 7 - Microsoft Community

so, accidentally deleted music galaxy. no problem, have on computer, strange reason windows media player failing transfer process somehow. doesn't give explanation except may codecs thing? know this? moved from: windows / windows 10 / performance & system failures hi keith, conflicts windows media player settings 1 of possible reasons why unable sync music files device. assist better, kindly answer questions below: have made changes computer prior issue? what troubleshooting steps have done far? which version , os build number of windows 10 installed? check, press windows key, type winver , , press enter key. meanwhile, can try download , run microsoft easy fix solutions windows media player in link to troubleshoot issue. we'll looking forward response. Music, Movies & TV / Windows Media Player

Groove Music Pass Not Working - Microsoft Community

i have subscription groove music pass, i've had 1 years, today tried use groove , doesn't recognize subscription. message says need sign music pass, when check subscriptions in microsoft account, says i'm subscribed music pass. tried cancel , resubscribe, hasn't worked. i have tried following without success: uninstalled , reinstalled groove music app on iphone signed out , signed groove music app on iphone signed out , signed groove music app on xbox one restart web browser on computer none of these have worked, i'm allowed "preview" music until subscribe music pass... had same issue today. resolved changed day(from 5th 6th). Music, Movies & TV / Groove Music

Moving Money from One Child Account to Another - Microsoft Community

hi - i accidentally posted money xbox account son doesn't use anymore - there way move money new account?  there wasn't 'xbox' category reason, i'm picking appropriate 1 can find. thanks feedback reach out xbox support @ make sure, i'm it's not possible transfer funds between accounts. Music, Movies & TV / Xbox Video

MSN Renewal - Microsoft Community

1)in account there renew field, click , takes me to  blank page on msn member center. there membership, msn features, tabs under membership there selections for  -features -billing -support -manage users if select -billing, end in account page i can select services , subscriptions, renew, , goto step 1. an infinite loop no renewal.   online not recognize msn, , trying connect person drops me support portal. is msn renewable service? should convert or drop msn account , go google or something? hello, msn premium, msn dial-up , msn butterfly paid services. assistance issue experiencing, contact msn solution center or microsoft answerdesk .  MSN / Accounts, login, and signup / Account settings / ...

Family accounts suspended - Microsoft Community

i created both of sons ages 7 , 10 email accounts create our family account on our xbox. every since haven't been able access profiles on xbox, tried login microsoft accounts , have been suspended. how fix this? ***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.*** hi monique, regarding microsoft account issues, suggest contact our accounts , billing support. reference, click link contact correct department problem. please select correct product concern. let know if need further assistance. MSN / Accounts, login, and signup / Signing in with my Microsoft account

Difference Between the "Locally Available Files" and - Microsoft Community

so, reading article on new update on onedrive , don't difference between "locally available file" , "always available file". both take space on computer, can both make them "online-only" right clicking , selecting option. other icon, they're same. missing something? hi, locally available files , always available files part of onedrive files on-demand . feature helps files in sharepoint online without needing download them. suggest checking article see difference between two. let know if need else. we're here help. OneDrive / Announcements and features

Multiple OneDrive Office 365 Accounts on One PC - Microsoft Community

i have access 3 onedrive accounts office 365.  can see accounts in file explorer? moved from: [onedrive / getting started onedrive / installing , updating onedrive / onedrive in microsoft office / office 365] hi paul, you can configure or link 1 onedrive account per user account on computer. if want view or sync files on other onedrive accounts, need switch 1 account unlinking , linking them onedrive. unlink account, kindly follow steps under unlink onedrive in article: turn off or uninstall onedrive . link account, restart onedrive, sign in account want use. you'll need select location onedrive folder again. folders accounts merged if select same folder location them. don't hesitate reach out if need further assistance concern. OneDrive / Options and settings / Desktop settings ...

OneDrive upload problems -- videos - Microsoft Community

laptop has been uploading videos onedrive weeks now. never finish uploading , doesn't happen sequentially. little bits of each video being uploaded bit bit. how can delay video uploads in favor of more important file backups? madness. laptop nonfunctional because of issue. (i have lowered priority of onedrive.exe in task manager based on thread.) i know going through because have done myself.  true can't sync new files until files "up date".   all can suggest in "settings -> choose folders" have folders within folders.  large video files should placed in separate folders instead of being placed in 1 gigantic folder.  don't allow download @ once overnight when not using pc allow few video files download. do have new windows 10 fall creators update "files on-demand"?  check out.  might downloading video files need them not practical.

use 1 terabyte cloud - Microsoft Community

how it  - got office 365 [moved from: office / onenote / windows 10/ office 365 home] hi dave, usually, takes 48 hours storage space update after successful purchase , activation of office 365. considering this, we'd know following: when did purchase , activate office 365? did log in onedrive same account associated office 365? answering these questions may give better hint @ might have happened. once have information asked for, can proceed investigate further. as addendum, may refer support article to give better understanding of onedrive storage plans. OneDrive / Managing storage limits / Questions about my subscription / OneDrive in Microsoft Office / Office 365

Xbox 1 Onedrive - Microsoft Community

new xbox1 user. not able access onedrive, says onedrive not available.  there need in order allow myself access? hi william, this issue might occur due temporary service maintenance. narrow down onedrive concern, know following: have tried optimizing browsers clearing cache, cookies, , browsing histories? can access other microsoft services microsoft account? if yes, result? note: if can, may temporary problem onedrive. if cannot, account related, or wider issue. have tried accessing onedrive online using different browsers? how using different device? are getting same error when trying sign in onedrive desktop app ? in meantime, may check status of microsoft office online services @ service health portal . we forward response. OneDrive / Working with files and folders on OneDrive / Addi...

Onedrive Business - Microsoft Community

hello all, my company still using windows 7 os. however, have started using office 365/exchange. currently, way create share link onedrive log in website , go through steps link. part not issue. the issue, there way create share link through windows explorer , onedrive desktop app? thanks in advance. OneDrive / Working with files and folders on OneDrive / Sharing files and folders / OneDrive in Microsoft Office / Office 365

Icloud Contacts and Calendar lost in Outlook 2007 again - - Microsoft Community

after new microsoft outlook 2007 update kb3213643 lost both icloud contacts , calendar in outlook. there seems problem update.  removed update history , restored. microsoft think attempt solve last update causing havoc cloud.  please think again annoying. see thread - maybe workaround solves issue / Calendars and tasks / Import, share, or open calendars

rejecting email? - Microsoft Community

what might possible reasons outlook reject username? it states: *** email address removed privacy *** isn't available. is because might long? have waited email 30 days nothing, doubt recycled! / Email / Adding email accounts

hotmail no longer accessible even through the provided login links in - Microsoft Community

every link provided *** email address removed privacy *** gives error page stating 'something went wrong!  error occurred when tried access mailbox because server information , mailbox couldn't found.' help please? url using? does  not work? / Email / Connecting to with apps and devices

How to delete email in bulk - Microsoft Community

how delete emails in bulk hi mike, you can use sweep delete unwanted emails in inbox. sweep gives options automatically delete incoming email particular sender, keep latest email, or delete email older 10 days. check out support article learn more. should have further questions, feel free post on thread. / Email / Sweep, cleanup, and rules

outlook email - Microsoft Community

can't add new folder add key doesn't work know how fix?.  second when delete email deletes 1 under don't want deleted. 1 know why? or how fix? hi diane, we verify, when mention add key doesn't work, grayed out or not giving option enter name of folder? have tried accessing using other browser? identify if issue browser using. we looking forward reply. / Email / Managing email folders

E-mail Forwarding - Microsoft Community

hi there, i have 'updated' hotmail account have lot of old emails keep. how can forward of these emails new account without having 'forward' them individually? / Email / Restore or recover messages

Can not get email of hotmail form - Microsoft Community

can not email of hotmail form after send email can not on how can it you mentioned trying send email message, suggest contact email service provider resolve issue. if there's else can with, please not hesitate reply here , further assist you. / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email

Duplicate messages to each recipient on - Microsoft Community

when sending emails, sending 10+ duplicate messages each recipient.  happens when sending home pc.  when sending iphone 7 email app sending 2 messages each recipient. original title/subject: case# 1399825326 moved from: / options , settings / calendar settings since happening 1 of email address, suggest in touch our answer desk team . identify root cause of issue , out further resolve it. let know if have other queries can assist with. / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email

How do I review the 'received' information on emails I suspect - Microsoft Community

have chronic spam problem.  account hotmail account integrated windows 10.  want examine 'received' information emails getting determine spam originating , report culprit relevant mail server. found answer myself - right click on message header - input wesite on second 'answer' website suggestion listed below - problem solved. / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email

I am not recieving any of my emails ?? - Microsoft Community

not receiving new emails since yesterday ? hi jenny, we're aware of issue sending or receiving emails in , our engineers doing best resolve it. real-time updates, click here . further queries, feel free post back. / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email

On Friday evening suddenly Outlook stopped working on my - Microsoft Community

on friday evening outlook stopped working on laptop...error 0x80072afb.... outlook cannot synchronise subscribed folders ********** (email address) word doesnt seem right either.... unable display templates / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email

Outlook integration for my Rwanda gorilla trekking website - Microsoft Community

hello guys, i have seen several friends of mine in tourism industry receive emails via outlook don't know how it. wish same don't know procedure take. how receive emails <website removed moderator> website straight outlook account? please me urgently. you. ***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.*** hi, this feature can set through web host. we'd learn more concern, can determine best solution or direct correct forum if needed. can provide answer following questions: do want have "contact us" let people send email? which outlook version using? are trying modify html of website? do have screenshot of concern? if so, helpful if can provide us. hope hear soon. / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email

Problems since getting forwarded encrypted email - Microsoft Community

hi there, recently received email encrypted service, protonmail. able read without needing password , able forward mother. since opened email has not been able use outlook account @ all. any idea why or can do? thanks, jenny hi jenny, when forward encrypted email account, email no longer encrypted , can access email right away. regarding concern, need identify if issue has email forwarded. kindly provide following information: does mother accessing account online @, or using outlook app on computer? did receives error message when trying open account what actions have tried far? / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email

Office Online Doc Viewer - Microsoft Community

hi, i've been using office online doc viewer little while here - of yesterday links seem have server side error triggers js error when trying preview document type. i've tried few different documents try , rule out error on side. , although appears server side error, i've tried in few different browsers sure. i don't know if else having issue, or whether ms aware of issue? thanks, chris edit: i've included screenshot of runtime error behind js error - not sure how use though! same here. tried chatting support last night report bug sent me community. it's happening everywhere me, including on microsoft blog: i'm getting same error in console i...

Outlook 15.36.1 - Dragging messages to folders doesn't show hover - Microsoft Community

after update morning outlook, it's difficult drag messages folders because don't show sort of hover state show folder message going to. i've restarted outlook w/ no success. hi ben_a_1,   thanks posting here.   we understand situation. please try removing account , exit outlook mac. after while, reopen outlook mac , add check issue. also, adding email account try again.   if issue persists, feature issue should related outlook mac itself, please try create new profile check issue. please see detailed steps in link below:   manage profiles or identities in outlook mac .   regards, rudy Office / Outlook / Mac

Too Many Services error - Microsoft Community

split thread. hi, i error messages since few months. on each startup (even getting out of sleep next day), have enter passwords mail account (3). annoying , takes time. i installed mac os high sierra 2 days ago => no fix. many giving update on fix. sander hi sander,   this outlook mac known issue , highly understand concern. please keep monitoring thread:   besides, please test if following workaround can work in environment.   open word or excel 2016 on mac; click on name on top left ( welcome screen); log off duplicate accounts, or accounts have alert next them; close office 2016 applications, , re-open outlook.   your understanding , patience highly appreciated.   regards, leo ...

Outlook 2016 Does Not Open on First Use - Microsoft Community

i have user unable log outlook first time. app crashes before appears on screen (it runs 4 seconds according report). office , macos date. (private message: crash log, removed moderator protect privacy) loaded modules: (private message: crash log, removed moderator protect privacy) Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 365 for business

Send a Recurring email with Outlook for Mac - Microsoft Community

i send same email every week , i"m wondering if there way automate email in outlook mac. far advice i've found requires script , can't figure out place code.  thanks help.  kalee hello kalee, outlook mac doesn't allow scripts send email automatically.  i suggest create template , send emails via different template every time. steps: 1. first, update latest version of outlook mac client: click > check updates > tick manually check > check updates.  15.36.170721 2. save email message template select email message want use template. select file > save template. provide name template, such "monthly status". apply tag if desired. choices red, blue, important, work, , on. select location want template saved. select save. 3. create new email message template select file > new > email template. select template location , ...

421 concurrent connection - Microsoft Community

i can't connect outlook 2007 server. failed message: 421 concurrent connection.  can help? moved from: / email / connecting apps , devices generally means wrong settings, if mail a/c see Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 2007

Cannot Create a Gmail account in Outlook 2016 MSO - Microsoft Community

incoming: server:  port: 993 encryption: ssl/tls outgoing: server: port: 465 encryption: ssl/tls email address: <email address removed forum moderator> password: cccccnn where "c"s capital characters , "n"s numbers. i get: "something went wrong , outlook couldn’t set account. please try again. if problem continues, contact email administrator." i can create account online or on microsoft mail version 17.8241.41275.0 above details. ***personal information deleted moderator. please see microsoft community asked questions more information on how can protect privacy.*** [ moved from: / email / adding email accounts ] it's been more month now. can help? Office / Outlook / Other/unknown ...

Outlook 2013 keeps asking "How do you want to open this - Microsoft Community

when opening pdf documents outlook 2013, has started ask question: even if check "always use app open .pdf files", , click ok, next time question pop again! i have tried: start outlook administrator, , try save association pdf file removed/added again adobe acrobat default app .dpf files in windows. opening pdf explorer works fine. opening word documents email message works fine - opened in word automatically without additional confirmation. microsoft outlook 2013 15.0.4981.1000 32-bit microsoft windows 10, feature update 1709 installed few days ago. hi, if settings not retained there corrupted components in outlook. in case, advisable repair outlook following instructions in article . once done, please let know if issue persists can you. Office / Outlook / Window...

Reminder Functionality in Outlook - Microsoft Community

since moving pop account imap account instructed isp, have lost functionality in outlook. have windows 10 , prior switching, able set reminders on emails.  functionality critical managing day day activities.  there way function back? if inherent loss due there patch or work around can used? or, ms bring in update soon? some function/options not available under imap mail account - full reminder functionality being one. its not ms has control over. if isp has turned off pop support, consider obtaining outlook .com mail account, exchange mail account has full functionality , sync across multiple devices Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2013

Unable to open hyperlinks in Microsoft Outlook 2013 using Firefox and - Microsoft Community

using firefox, windows 10, ms outlook 2013. no longer able open hyperlinks when in outlook 2013. 1. try repairing office installation. first try quick repair (takes 5 - 10 mins) , if doesn't try online repair (takes more 30 mins less 1 hour in general) 2. registry fix given below (don't go title or application excel. applicable office product including outlook) Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2013

Can't block unwanted email - Microsoft Community

hi, have outlook 2016 , it's great work i've been getting lot of unwanted emails selected option safe senders list i'm still getting junk.  not doing right? hi, blocking unwanted or specific email addresses essential controlling amount of junk mail in microsoft outlook 2016 or 2013. can add email addresses , domains block list using following steps on article below: block mail sender for other concerns, don't hesitate us. regards. Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2016