
Showing posts from May, 2012

Common Controls 7.0 are here--and they're crashing Excel - Microsoft Community

my organization received latest office 2016 update via current update channel.  looks mscomctl.ocx has been updated 7.0! it's been 6.x long can remember, pretty surprising major version update without kind of announcement. unfortunately new treeview control crashes excel whenever tries display tooltip--i.e. whenever user mouses on truncated node text.  so our business-critical macro-enabled excel workbook pretty useless , users calling scalp. help? simple example here: edit add version of mscomctl.ocx in syswow64 directory still 6.1.  office seems have own local copy in %program files%\microsoft office\root\vfs\systemx86\.  if remove copy , replace version syswow64 works again. hi andrew,   our engineering team actively working on fix. in meantime, can use following workaround options: rollb...

Unable to read a presentation - Microsoft Community

i in group.   presentation done. trying view unable so. in ?language , cannot understand it.  using word pad. please help. ***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.*** hi monifa, isolate concern, ask additional information. please provide following: screenshot of issue. what file type or format of document you're trying open? are getting error messages? were there changes on computer prior issue? we're looking forward response. Office / Unknown/other / Windows 10 / Unknown/other

outlook email on mobile - Microsoft Community

why can't see email in outlook app mobile? outlook app? if have added mail account? Office / Outlook / iPhone & iPad / Office 365 for business

Send a Spreadsheet Saved in My Computer as an Embedded Document - Microsoft Community

hi, i have spreadsheet updated @ department. every day @ around same time, spreadsheet has sent department not have access folder spreadsheet saved. also, must information in body of email, not attachment, because lot of recipients read email in mobile , want information through single command.   i trying use outlook calendar, not see option embed spreadsheet folder in body of email. there way that? macro require time set when want send it. Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 2013

Duplicate emails - Microsoft Community

i have resolved sent folder, trial , error. still getting duplicated emails  moved / email / managing email folders hi jeff, this issue may appear if outlook having issue setting. need ask few questions better assist you. please provide following information: are using outlook web or outlook app? which versions of outlook using? we'll waiting response. Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 365 Home

Occasional very large text in forwarded emails (outlook 2016) - Microsoft Community

i'm using outlook 2016 under windows 10, , when forward message arrives parts grossly enlarged. below typical example. ideas? from: keith miller sent: wednesday, july 26, 2017 1:24 am to: 'lesley johnson' cc: 'vivienne miller' subject: re: message lesley in cape town dear lesley, your school year radically different ours if holidays end on 17 th july – ours have barely got started! i’m sure have house week before if gavin can fiddle week getting close reasonable holiday. we’d love see if on later in year. have no plans away here until october. uk phone number have correct, italian 1 no longer exists. mobile +44 7766 708 312. we hope you’ll able come , see us, love, keith & vim from: lesley johnson [ email removed moderator ] sent: 25 july 2017 09:07 to: keith miller  [email removed moderator]  subject: re: message lesley in cape town dear keith , ...

Read-only contact group - Microsoft Community

hi all, i work in school district uses office365, , trying accomplish having tough time finding solution for. in nutshell, have list of emergency contacts need distribute group of folks. in ideal world want remove many steps possible end-users these contacts on phones (through exchange) while being able update them needed without asking end-users edit/add/remove contacts. have far: creating separate account (*** email address removed privacy ***) , asking end-users add onto devices , sync contacts (not calendars or mail). allow administrator of account edit needed , sync across devices. the problem doing is: a) providing password account users, isn't huge deal, isn't ideal b) adding account, end-users have ability of editing contacts , possibly removing contact huge issue should emergency arrive. is aware of how create account of nature in read-only mode, end-user can add account cell phones , see everything, not edit anything...

Downloaded files blocked by Outlook 2016 in Excel & Office - Microsoft Community

since updating office 2016 pro few months ago, , in particular since last month, of excel & word attachments received via outlook blocked. problem files received via microsoft exchange server account (office 365) imap files received gmail imap. running windows 10. i have manually "unblock" each downloaded file in file properties open them. message in properties field "security: file came computer , might blocked protect computer. there "unblock" check box . the product current & i've tried online solutions in kb. files being blocked include xlsx , docx.  excel indicates file “corrupt,” except when unblocked.  word cannot open files either.   i saw kb article indicating bug in office 2016 had been fixed. files updated according windows update problem persists. btw, microsoft support useless – both consumer , pro support (each telling me talk other). hi, outlook sec...

Safe Lists Only is checked yet I still get unsafe emails in my inbox - Microsoft Community

i setup outlook 2016's junk email options show safe senders in inbox. have been building safe senders list couple months now.  up few days ago, worked awesome. emails unknown email addresses went junk. great! now, emails unknown senders stay in inbox.  i have created new email profile , restarted computer , deleted rules, , left safe lists checked. i'm not sure else do... appears bug.  any advice? hi paul, it possible you're experiencing outlook concerns because of changes made on computer. narrow down , provide proper resolution, may know if have installed software applications or changed hardware devices device prior concern? when did start encountering issue? changes made on computer prior issue? have tried possible troubleshooting steps? if yes, steps , did error messages? regards. Office / Outlook ...

Office 2016 64-bit - Microsoft Community

running office 365 , installed office 2016 64-bit on laptop- version not have focused inbox outlook 2016? why want install 64bit office? there few reasons install 64bit office, , doesn't appear meet criteria, having win64bit no such criteria focused inbox dependent on outlook version/build, v911 Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home

Outlook 2016 outbox stuck - Microsoft Community

i running outlook 2016 , when sending emails stuck in outbox.  when close outlook, warns me emails still in outbox , asks if want close it...and indicates send when restart outlook , indeed, when message sent. however, before sending want send, says sending 3 of 3 email messages, sends 1 in outbox put in there.  to best of knowledge, cannot find these mysterious 3 of 3 messages, leading me think not showing somehow clogging outbox. have 'repaired' office using both offline , online versions, did complete removal of office using tool microsoft, reinstalled office, , still see same thing. online tech suggested try make new profile, did. worked first 2 or 3 messages , had same issue. the challenge sent email gets stuck 90% of time, not always. , restarting outlook when outbox stuck succeeds in sending email.  have disabled add ins , still happens. , fact there 3 of 3 'phantom emails' sent before stuck email gets sent (on outlook restar...

Crash Outlook when selecting bullet points, happens since last Office - Microsoft Community

please see video link here under : hi iry, many kind answer, found solution on web.. had delete .dat file in user/appdata/microsoft/word directory, did, , since works charm. hence deleted video , tried close post, there no way close post actually! you can disregard request, now. many again , have nice day antoine Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business

E-mail view after switching to calendar - Microsoft Community

i have issue e-mail view after switching view calendar. this screen looks-like after re-setting e-mail view: i switch calendar view: when switch e-mail looks this: this highly undesirable perspective - need e-mail view stay desired set-up. i running microsoft office 365 proplus, version 1710 using windows 10. downloaded latest version of outlook last thursday. chris hi chris, please click view > reset view , make sure compact has been selected when click change view button. thanks, lance Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business

Too many folders in Outlook - Microsoft Community

hi, we've come across few users. outlook has maximum number of 500 folders before users may start issues; this comes when user wants use outook filing system , invariably results in users having 2-3,000 folders. question is, best way resolve issue individual users want use outlook in way? would benefit create local outlook data file archiving , move folders there? office 365 archiving around issue? ideally solution needs specific individual users we're not keen on implementing document management system instance. thank help. hi john,   based on experience, think can ask user change cache mode 3 months (the default 12 months). can follow steps manage cache mode: open outlook , click file > account settings > account settings . choose account , click change. under...

Windows 10 Outlook not working with recommended ports from Spectrum - Microsoft Community

hello, i have new computer @ work , upgraded windows vista windows 10. new outlook program straightforward , easy use, however, when enter suggested settings spectrum's business email support, software doesn't recognize email address. can offer great because, though spectrum offers outlook web access, it's pain every time, when believe there way make work. thank you, kyle kasten kettle moraine bowl ***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.*** you fail mention email program/version using, in outlook 2013/2016 add new mail account , enter mail address , password, continue , account verified, whereupon finish, there no settings add. Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Unknown/other

Outlook 2007 Toolbar labels and message infomation disappeared - Microsoft Community

outlook 2007 on windows 7 pro sp1.  the labels on toolbar have disappeared several, not all, tools.  also, message information indicators (flag, attachment, priority, reply/forward, etc) have disappeared.  happened within last week.  a few weeks ago spam icons norton security greyed out can no longer indicate message spam , report norton.  no new software has been installed or removed.  windows updates on automatic.  basic functionality remains problem.  you have undertaken basic office repair? if still no joy, hold ctrl key when starting ol, then? Office / Outlook / Windows other / Older versions

Hide resource calendars - Microsoft Community

hi, all, i want set resource calendars specific group of delegates book specific set of rooms. i don't want these rooms appear on list when employee outside of group clicks "rooms" button when choosing meeting resource. what best practice achieving this, if can done @ all? any appreciated. hi, you can control room finder in outlook once share group. can check link more information , steps can resolve concern. we ask additional information better isolate issue if not referring room finder on outlook: are using office 365 business or outlook desktop app? are connected exchange server settings? have shared calendar through group policy? we looking forward response. Office / Outlook / Microsoft Office Programming / Office 2016 ...

Microsoft Project 2016 - Microsoft Community

i have installed office 2016 in account , msproject 2016 in account . however, when try access company projects through ms project, app closes without displaying error messages. have access pwa through browser , can view projects through web. whenever try open projects on project, same problem occurs. me? Office / Project / Windows 10 / Office 2016

Using office online on ipad - Microsoft Community

i using microsoft classroom in class , learners required open , edit documents in cloud. on ipads not show edit in word/word online - shows open in word , when chosen, gives error: safari cannot open page because address invalid.  if try open document in chrome, not have option edit online. please assist? hi elsabe, please try following steps , let me if issue can fixed. 1. reboot ipad holding down on sleep button , home button @ same time 10-15 seconds until apple logo appears on screen, let go of buttons. let ipad start up. 2. go settings > safari > click clear history , website data . regards, james Office / SharePoint Online / iPhone & iPad / Office 365 for business

Creating a Mail Merge with Word 2011 for Mac and Apple Contacts - Microsoft Community

trying create mailing labels contacts in apple contacts. can set word doc using mail merge, , drag , drop fields apple contacts want include in label. however, information not populated beyond first record, when complete merge, end 1 record per page. please help.  >  however, information not populated beyond first record after lay out fields label 1, have "propagate" fields other labels. when first set label merge, word presents dialog box lets lay out fields, , propagates them when have finished. after that, if lay out fields manually directly in first cell, have click button word propagate them - this: also, when click { a  } button in section 5 of dialog, word should toggle between "field code" view , "field results" view. in "field code" view, there should 1 { next } field @ beginning of every label except first label on sheet. (this assuming chose "labels....

Word mac bibliography problem - Microsoft Community

meet problem word 2016 (macbook) built in bibliography not arrange in alphabetically? it’s happened right after latest update of microsoft word, please help, , have nice day.  please go word menu , choose word , tell version have. thanks. Office / Word / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac

editing 2 documents side by side - Microsoft Community

want compare , edit 2 versions of same document on screen assuming talking word: load both documents "view" menu choose "view side side" if want can activate "synchrounous scrolling", in "view" menu easy comparism of both documents Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2016

regarding word document - Microsoft Community

not able open word documet 1. happen word documents or specific document only? 2. message get? 3. if happens documents - can try see if add-in creating problem here. sometimes, add-ins can cause problems. determine, if add-in problem start application in safe mode , see if problem has gone away. start in safe mode - hold ctrl key , click on application icon , don't release ctrl key till asks safe mode confirmation. if yes, start application , disable add-ins 1 one , start application again every time disable add-in determine culprit add-in. Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2016

Re-opening of saved MS word 2016 file does not retains the same format - Microsoft Community

when reopen saved file of ms office 2016, remains not in same format saved. line spacing changes. please let me know reason. ***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.*** hi,   if file has been changed in terms of format, 1 possible cause file corruption of file. due you’ve saved file. resolve concern, please provide following information:   are having issue word files, or specific file? where saving file? on thumb drive or on pc’s hard drive?   regards. Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2016

Trouble uploading a document from Word - Microsoft Community

using google chrome , every time try upload resume gives me fake path notice. why? hello jennifer, the issue might caused settings on current web browser or web site try upload document. in order isolate issue, know following  information: have tried use web browser check if encounter same issue? where trying upload document? where did save resume? what exact error when tried upload document? Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home

Trying to open a Word Document and forgot password - Microsoft Community

trying open word document , forgot password document if password required open document there nothing can here recover password, unfortunately. Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home

Word lags when switching windows - Microsoft Community

i have problem word that's been driving me crazy while working on thesis. whenever have more 1 word file open, switching between , other window takes several seconds. i have 16gb of ram, that's not problem, , didn't used this.  however, i'm not sure when started acting either. i have no idea it, , unfortunately korean helpdesk wasn't helpful, hope here can me. i uploaded video of problem here: thank posting back. based on information provided, shows there might software or program having conflict office application. suggest perform repair office application following troubleshooting steps provided in link . we'll waiting update. Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home ...

How do I make a color print from MS Word 2003 on a Samsung C480FW? - Microsoft Community

i using ms word 2003 samsung c480fw color printer. have color letterhead want print. can't seem figure out how it. i have gone tool > options > print (tab), on "background printing" box, there's no option color. i have gone file > print > properties, again, no color options. i have format > background > printed watermark, no color options. please advise! Office / Word / Windows 10 / Older versions

Word 2016 with Windows 10 Picture Resize Problem - Microsoft Community

split thread. hello, i'm having exact same problem , happens pictures no matter file in. have windows 10 laptop , microsoft word 2016. julie h. thank you hi julie, to investigate issue side, i'd confirm following things: 1. record video of issue side? may use mobile phone record video. can upload video cloud storage , share public guest link. if don't want share public, have sent private message collect video. 2. open word>click file>account>capture screenshot of info under product information. 3. click start button>settings>system>about>let know os build , version of windows 10. regards, tim Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business

Missing heading 3 and 4 in Word 2013 (Windows 8.1) - Microsoft Community

hi, it seems heading 3 , 4 missing in document when opening wa new word document. i have looked @ other questions , tried fixed seems can't. can please , explaination? perfer if explainations in numbering list or bullets list så easy follow :) thanks in advance. jouleen they there, maybe hidden until used. when have selection want insert heading 3 style paragraph, press ctrl+shift+s display apply styles dialog , in style name control type heading 3 , click on apply.  likewise heading 4. if need modify numbering of heading styles, s ee article "how create numbered headings or outline numbering in microsoft word document" on following page of late shauna kelly's website: Office / Word / Window...

Change Group URL - Microsoft Community

hello, i admin of yammer group , wondering if possible change group's url on yammer custom url. tried searching on answers found had me confused. if possible, please advise steps take change url of yammer group. thanks! hi shubham, greetings...!! thank posting. url of yammer group cannot changed. can change url of yammer home network. please revert queries regarding yammer. thanks , regards, sreejith microsoft yammer support Office / Yammer / Web / Office 365 for business

ERROR MESSAGE 0x80070057 NEED HELP ASAP PLEASE - Microsoft Community

so downloaded verizon cloud onto windows 8 laptop. pretty sure 10 now. have recorded calls on cloud , duping verizon downloaded c:/ drive music , selected copy dvd wr d:/ disk is a cd disk. keep getting error message , don't know please. don't know how work on , hands on deck please!!!! happy holidays everyone Music, Movies & TV / Windows Media Player email account not Outlook - Microsoft Community

i still use original email account problems have on iphone , ipad can see msn emails on mac desk top goes directly outlook , can not see msn-emails 3 of emails shown think hotmail account! what causing problem? hi fernando, based on mentioned, looks still need additional information address concern. better assist you, need answers following questions: how access account, using outlook web mail (, outlook desktop app mac, or mac mail app? if using outlook desktop app mac access account, version it? are getting error messages? if yes, kindly provide screenshot. did make changes before issue happened? what troubleshooting steps have done far? looking forward response. MSN / Using and MSN apps / My home page

MSN. Com email address - Microsoft Community

hi, have msn. com email address, when try use set account different web sites, says not valid address. have stopped supporting msn email?  hi john, to provide accurate resolution regarding your email address not being valid according website, know following: when last time accessed account? if more 1 year, possible it was marked inactive. did enabled cookies these websites before registered? if you'll need log-in website using email address & password, must allow cookies website. which internet browser did use when signed account different website? have tried using different browser? if so, did experience same issue? get required information assist further. MSN / Accounts, login, and signup / Signing in with my Microsoft account / Othe...

Messenger Live - Microsoft Community

buenas, necesito abrir el messenger live y recuperar conversaciones, como puedo hacer esto posible? hello, live messenger retired in 2013. has been replaced skype. if did not create backup of messages, no longer available have been purged system. hola live messenger fue retirado en 2013. ha sido sustituido por skype. si no ha creado una copia de seguridad de los mensajes, ya no estarán disponibles ya que se han purgado del sistema. MSN / Accounts, login, and signup / Other Microsoft account and profile items

ebook reader epub to android reader - Microsoft Community

how read paid microsoft book on android device?  or how convert pdf, or how book read off of onedrive?  drm works hard, , not buying book every device.  there must way convert. ***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.*** hey there, neodebaca welcome microsoft community forums. i have few questions ask, can regarding question: what book did purchase? on android device, app use open it? what file format saved as? regards, OneDrive / Working with files and folders on OneDrive / Editing and viewing files and folders / OneDrive in Windows 10

Hotmail There's a temporary problem There's a temporary - Microsoft Community

hello where can fix microsoft email , login problems in private hi, for better assist concern, ask information: have done changes on computer prior issue? have tried using different web browser? what troubleshooting steps have done far? are trying sign in account when received error message? please provide more information isolate , troubleshoot issue. we wait response. / My Account and information / Other

Problem in changing password - Microsoft Community

dears, i trying reset password because forgot it. tried reset password link, when inserted needed data following error message appeared: there's temporary problem there's temporary problem service. please try again. if continue message, try again later. could please me solve issue. bests, / My Account and information / Other

Outlook uservoice - Microsoft Community

for months have posted numerous ideas on outlook uservoice, showing "awaiting moderator approval". how can approved, there thousands of ideas there have been more recent mine. hi jack, we appreciate ideas you've posted on outlook uservoice. know have lot of ideas. ideas post on outlook uservoice needs number votes in next update. post visible everyone, , if vote, message you're seeing disappear. you can check uservoice terms of service in link more information. let know if have more questions , we'll answer you. / Email / Connecting to with apps and devices

email storage/ i recieved this e-mail is it a real if so how do i - Microsoft Community

1969mb     2000 mb we noticed e-mail account has exceed it's limit. , may not able send or receive messages moment now your e-mail account closed if fail increase storage capacity kindly   click here   to increase storage capacity 30.00gb free.. click here add free 20gb storage *** email address removed privacy ***   if not increase storage, account closed within specific period of time. until after proper verification before can access e-mail account again....!!! thanks. web security 2017 spam. links don't point microsoft. / Email / Managing email folders

Folder not showing in list - Microsoft Community

today folder disappeared hotmail list able access through search.  i tried open new folder same name , copy content on had “this folder exist” message.  i want folder list under same name.  how can , why had happened, , folder? hello, for identify causing issue, need confirm information. please answer following: are accessing email using outlook app or via web browser? any changes took place on computer before issue occurred? have created rules on account? / Email / Managing email folders

Trying to delete sub-folders I've created - Microsoft Community

dear microsoft support, i've created folders below inbox in mail , have managed delete them in past. reason can't work out how delete them , have searched high , low so. can help? laila hi laila, please informed there several reasons why cannot delete sub-folders anymore, it's maybe glitch or app errors. better know concern, we'd ask information. 1. how access outlook account, through web browser or through mail app? 2.are getting error messages when try delete sub-folders? hope hear soon. / Email / Managing email folders

Can send email but my Outlook doesn't accept incoming email - Microsoft Community

this error message people when sending email outlook. can help? sorry, unable deliver message following address. < x xxx>: no mx record found domain=xxxxx thanks helen hi helen, may know if you're still having concern unable receive emails on account? appreciate if post reply. / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email

emails - Microsoft Community

total max amt can receive on emails on hotmail? hi adriene, outlook , hotmail accounts, there's no maximum amount of emails can receive. there's maximum file size can attach email doesn't affect amount of emails can receive account. let know if need clarifications. / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email

I don't receive emails on the - Microsoft Community

hello, i have connected email address - *** email address removed privacy *** - , morning, don't receive emails when using please help! thanks, ivelin hi ivelin, we need gather more information know why you're not receiving emails. kindly answer these questions: how did connect email address provide steps steps process on how did it. how access emails before connecting email address can still send emails? while wait answers our questions, can follow steps here resolve issue. we'll waiting reply. / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email

Inbox synchronization - Microsoft Community

there e-mails queued on e-mail server use clicking on send/receive not retrieve them. selecting folder , inbox does. why don't these e-mails come in through normal periodic send.receive process? hello vincent, since mentioned on post email server, know domain of email account. kindly clarify if you're using outlook on web ( or outlook application. lastly, when did issue start? / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email

not receiving e mails - Microsoft Community

have not received mail in outlook in box, can send not received follow path: settings>options>mail>accounts>forwarding make sure below selected: stop forwarding / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email

Outlook contacts disappeared - Microsoft Community

outlook contacts have disappeared.  this decades of contacts!  it happened right around time trying sync new apple 7 phone outlook contacts , calendar. neither worked , left no contacts on outlook.  i have poured through online helps , tried following steps.  nothing seems work hello susan, the issue might occur depend on how tried sync contacts outlook ios device. before proceed, may know following: how did try sync contacts? are referring outlook application or contacts? have tried access outlook contacts using device? did error codes or messages before lost outlook contacts? / People and contacts / Restore or recover contacts

cannot access account, forgotten password - Microsoft Community

hi, i frustrated hugely have called microsoft , unable me, , told me ask question on website. my problem cannot access email because have forgotten password , supporting email, accidentally put instead of .com have been through annoying process of filling out form out 'security code' can access email can't access email because not .com. , because have not had access email cannot remember have emailed , topic of email about. it's ridiculous , end getting email saying there wasn't enough information allow recover account , submit new account verification form.  the woman on phone said able help. hope hear soon,  charlotte. / Security, privacy, and accounts / Other

Feedback - Microsoft Community

i wrote feeback students , unable see it. how resolve this? i accidentally clicking on "post all" there way undo it? Office / Unknown/other / Microsoft Office Programming / Unknown/other

Add additional email account (office) to android tablet - Microsoft Community

our office account not full blown account, support account , not have password. somehow setup on previous tablet access on exchange account, believe, via own name , password. how work? hi berta, do mean using office 365 account connected non-full blown account on previous android tablet? actually, need more details understand scenario. 1. using outlook android on android table? 2. understand can access account without typing credentials because attach exchange account. mean accessing on exchange account? can use send/receive emails normally? 3. what's type of non full blown account? office 365 account, too? thanks, lance Office / Outlook / Android phone & tablet / Office 365 for business

Outlook for android not opening. - Microsoft Community

hello, i using outlook android last 2 months , enjoyed in using app. last day when tried open outlook showing "unfortunately, outlook stopped".  after several times of trying, uninstall app , install again play store. still same thing happening. please me sort out. frequent user of outlook. thanks, asif fazal moved from: / email / connecting apps , devices hi, thank providing error message , steps you've done resolve issue. have tried checking if there update outlook? suggest clear cache , data of application, restart device. please let know if need further assistance. Office / Outlook / Android phone & tablet / Unknown/other

Microsoft Outlook Concern - Microsoft Community

my search box not working on macbook pro computer. not sure how fix it.  1. first of all, if office version not 15.40, please update 15.40. 2. check out below links - Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac

Outlook 2010 not sending emails to colleague using Outlook 2013 - Microsoft Community

hi everyone, we're running microsoft office 2010 on 1 pc , microsoft office 2013 on pc in our office.  pc has outlook 2010 colleague doesn't receive emails me on pc has outlook 2013.  far know i send emails pc receives them.  our email accounts hosted hostpresto , can access them remotely website using our iphones, laptops etc.  use pc based email system in office so can .pst files but handy to access them remotely when on move, hence occasional use of webmail syncs our pcs in office.  when send colleague email iphone receives it!  doesn't receive them when send pc running outlook 2010 though email goes sent folder.  can help? yours baffled architect in south london ***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.*** hello, there may email settings or filters affecting receipt of emails. if shows emails going through , going...

Restrict Email Forwarding - Microsoft Community

does outlook 2013 allow me restrict email forwarding? moved from: / email / sending, receiving, , reading email use of third party add-in, or possibly vba Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 2013

OUTLOOK 2016 Not Exporting Complete Data - Microsoft Community

i exporting email folder .csv file. there 28,000 emails, 15,000 excel file records in exported file. the emails not being included basic text emails newsletter subscribe function. please advise. moved from: / people , contacts / adding , managing contacts , groups hi patrick, in order assist you, can give more details on how exported folder .csv file? for now, suggest export or backup emails outlook .pst file , check results: export or backup email, contacts, , calendar outlook .pst file. regards. Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 2016

Are the ATP (advanced threat protection) features supported in - Microsoft Community

hi all, i didn't find article question answered. need know is, if activate atp in business premium plan, safe links , safe attached feature enabled using desktop client outlook 2016? regards yes, atp supported business premium , integrates desktop outlook. there recent ignite video session available talks atp features , show how looks in outlook on windows; Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 365 for business

Outlook 2007 calendar and calendar synchronization with Samsung Kies - Microsoft Community

i intend synchronize contacts , calendar of outlook 2007 installed on acer 10e switch windows 10 home os, samsung gt-i8160 android 4.1.2 mobile phone through samsung kies software. the usb cable connection works , both devices (pc , mobile phone) recognized , possible access databases. when synchronization started, halted in middle of process without specifying error. in past windows 7 synchronization ended without problem. samsung support informs problem not kies software,  because connection recognized , but incompatibility w10. can me? thank you. ------- pretendo sincronizar contactos e calendário outlook 2007 instalado num acer switch 10e com windows 10 home, para um telemóvel samsung gt-i8160 versão android 4.1.2, através software samsung kies. ligação por cabo usb funciona e ambos os dispositivos (pc e telemóvel) são reconhecidos, sendo possível aceder ás bases de dados. quando se inicia sincronização esta é interrompida...

Failure to access Data File sending or receiving - Microsoft Community

after last update of windows 10 (2017-10-17) outlook couldn't find data file anymore, expect go wrong after major update, nothing can't handle.  anyway decided start outlook setup scratch, new default location e-mail , data files, , new names made more sense me.  worked flawlessly saved pst file, calendar, contacts e-mails , saved e-mails date, except minor glitch that's driving me nuts.  when open outlook, or refresh send/receive while it's open, accesses 2 different data files, 1 created, works great new emails there okay, tries sending , receiving from  data file deleted on year , half ago, not 1 using before win10 update, old 1 thought had long been deleted.  data file doesn't show on the new account set up, have 1 email account showing , set default new folder location, , 1 , 1 data file , it's default.  i've searched drives files , folders, including hidden files , folders, , doesn't exist.  i'd delete if can find ...

outlook 13 email - Microsoft Community

cannot email file right clicking anymore. windows 10 updated yesterday!!!. found out using snipping tool , not work existing files of types. snip tool error asks if email program installed. purchasef pc 1 year ago, worked until today. try repairing office installation. first try quick repair (takes 5 - 10 mins) , if doesn't try online repair (takes more 30 mins less 1 hour in general) Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2013

I accept the email provider server's CERTIFICATE but it keeps - Microsoft Community

using outlook, accept email provider server's certificate keeps asking each time open outlook. original title/subject: outlook hi sammy, it's possible email server settings causing repeated prompts whenever launch outlook. we'd learn more concern provide proper resolution. have few questions you: which build version of windows 10 on computer? check, click start, type winver , , press enter . example, 14393.1066. did make changes computer before started happening? what exact message prompt regarding server's certificate? please post screenshot after removing personal information in picture. what troubleshooting steps have done far? Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2016

I Can send email but cant receive - Microsoft Community

i transferred pop3 email account work desktop laptop stopped receiving emails while there no error in receiving them. can't find solution please me. thank you.   hi, the challenge you're experiencing possibly due incorrect email configuration. isolation purposes, suggest send test email , see if you'll able receive it. also, may remove , re-add email account outlook , see if issue persists. complete guide on how add email account outlook, please check article . keep posted , we'll willing assist further. Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2016

IMAP/OST File On A New Machine - Microsoft Community

hello my ol' man's outlook consists of 2 email accounts. 1 pop3 , 1 imap.  he has new laptop, i've transferred pst file on no problem. i want setup imap. logic create imap seeing on server. lot of emails come inbox in outlook, has dealt , moved folders in pst account. if create new imap how prevent emails reappearing in inbox? i set smoothly few months ago (for temporary laptop) , i'm sure copied ost file accross can't remember exactly. thanks suggestions not exact;ly clear on actual question #1 - talking 2 separate , distinct email accounts (one pop , 1 imap) or referring 1 email account configured using 2 protocols? #2 - when "moving" 1 folder another, item being moved deleted source location , copied destination location description, item "moved" <inbox> no longer exist in <inbox> #3 - can assure you didn't "just copy ost file a...

In outlook 365 the synch of 'inbox' has been running for over - Microsoft Community

in outlook 365 synch of 'inbox' has been running on hour. have not had issue before. the issue might caused corrupted pst file result outlook unable work when syncing email folders. can try create new outlook profile check if encounter same issue. if still occur, recommend repair outlook data files (pst file) . diagnose , repair errors in data files. don’t hesitate update thread if have further questions. Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home

Mail Merge with Attachments on Office 365 Personal - Windows 10 - Microsoft Community

hi everyone, i intend use mail merge send multiple emails 3 pdf attachments using office 365 personal windows. while able same on windows machine earlier free using program called outlook mail merge attachment ( however, on new machine windows 10 gives error message: "you don't have appropriate permission perform operation" would request on this? let me know in case need further information.  really appreciate support. in advance help. best, rohit if sourceforge link uses macro possible macro needs 'signing' does help? Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home

Windows Mail Sync Lack of new Emails since 2017-09 (KB4041676) - Microsoft Community

my ms365 email address has stopped receiving new emails since above updates applied x64 system. personal outlook email address accessed via windows 10 mail still works fine. clue when syncing ms365 email produces error code d000000d - 0x85050041 with message we're not able obtain single sign-on authentication token account. ? try backing off update? or there problem? ps  i have tried sending problem account email email account never arrives. [moved from:  windows / windows 10 / windows update, recovery, & backup / pc] ms365 account have two-factor authentication enabled? if perhaps require app specific password after updates.  check have correct incoming & outgoing server settings - deltasync no longer supported/used if have you’ll either have use win 10 mail app or change account use imap/pop & smtp. Office / ...

Planner...creating a plan and assigning members - Microsoft Community

what quickest way create plan , add 7 members vs each manually? ***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.*** thank giving information needed. since using microsoft planner used people office 365 work or school, suggest contact or admin advice can provide you. you can post query in technet forums qualified respondents , other partners read forums regularly. if there's else can with, please not hesitate reply here , further assist you. Office / Outlook / Windows 8 / Office 365 for business

“Something went wrong and your search couldn’t be - Microsoft Community

this issue apparently addressed in july 11, 2017 kb4025341 monthly rollup, however, not wish apply rollup across our network our wsus server.  i attempting find , isolate specific individual patch fix problem us. where can find specific individual patch or list of patched included in monthly rollup? see issue #5 in topic, .  fix in windows july 11th public updates.  these updates know refer to.  there first released in june preview rollups these supersede those. Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 2010

Tasks marked as complete - disappearing - Microsoft Community

i have outlook 2010 in pc (windows xp), since 2012. there no problems until morning. tasks marked completed, always, moved bottom of list. however, if have verify task in day, when come current day, tasks marked completed not there anymore. were tasks deleted? if not, can make them visible again? thanks. hello eleu, tasks marked complete don't appear on task views. may need change current view completed tasks in view settings. instructions, see show tasks marked complete . let know if require further assistance. Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 2010

Outlook emails - Microsoft Community

using win7/outlook 2013 , enlarge text on emails receive.  how can enlarge font same.  i have tried changing "view settings", no avail. there zoom slider on lower right of outlook window Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 2013

Outlook 2016 search option not working - Microsoft Community

i have rebuilt the index files delete ost file added account again  tried manual search items know have email  still not working.  it seems work maybe day stops.   i don't understand why not working.  seems last couple weeks outlook has been acting , not reliable used be.  i use search feature lot , need working. [moved from: / email / searching email ] hi, there might other reasons why issue happens beside corrupted file indexing. troubleshoot issue outlook 2016 , recommend repairing office 2016. so, refer link . let know how things go. regards. Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 2016

Font problem - Microsoft Community

hi everyone, i created powerpoint deck client. slides perfect on mac, on client's pc on 1 slide (the title slide) text appears have been replaced default font. client doesn't have problem else's ppt decks. here specifics: i'm on imac office mac 2016. client on pc. don't know version of ppt have. the text in question on computer myriad pro. replacement font on client's computer appears arial. thanks help! john hi john, first, suggest let client check if s/he has myriad pro font installed on pc. if no, please download , install font use office. there similar cases reference: powerpoint compatibility between mac , pc? powerpoint formatting changes between computers if not situation, confirm following information: 1. if possible, can open on pc check outcome side? or can share file onedrive link. 2. office version using. 3. office version client using. regards, ...

Show Paste Options in Powerpoint - Microsoft Community

is there way hide paste options button in powerpoint? it's in word , excel preferences, can't find in powerpoint. for same reason it's annoying in word , excel, it's annoying in powerpoint. if there no way disable this, please add one. been using office 15+ years. every release seems introduce new "ease of use" features anti-productive power users. thanks, hi doug,   it not available hide paste options button in powerpoint 2016 mac. we welcome , encourage share ideas through uservoice . understanding experience helps make our product , service better , others.   thanks understanding.   tisky Office / PowerPoint / Mac / Office 365 for business