
Showing posts from February, 2011

Teams - Adding users not in my organisation - Microsoft Community

how add users have 365 account not in organisation.  can add email error saying someone, me or person i'm adding, not have authorisation.  hi heidi,   please turn on guest access microsoft teams , check issue. here article reference: .   please free let me know if have further help!   thanks, baron Office / Unknown/other / Windows 8 / Office 365 for business

Have not received Office Pro 2016 backup dvd - Microsoft Community

in home use program , ordered backup dvd microsoft office pro 2016.  haven't yet received it.  there phone number @ microsoft can call has live person on other end? hello joseph. i'm rey. please check tow options below contact microsoft support can backup dvd order: chat: phone (choose country): regards Office / Unknown/other / Microsoft Office Programming / Office 2016

Strange synching problems with Android Moto G5 Plus - Microsoft Community

most of new email messages stopped downloading. focus inbox gets occasional message, other inbox gets nothing. emails seem synching insofar message alert email has arrived, can see inbox message count change, can download email folders of old emails. new messages not visible , nothing downloads "other" inbox.  i've tried turning focus on , off, removing phone , reinstalling, deleting , reinstalling email account phone. nothing has worked. i've lost caller name id, incoming calls display #, no name, though contacts on phone , synching properly. calendar is  synching properly. i tried getting support outlook using support function on phone. not helpful.  i appreciate advice. thanks!   mark ***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.*** hello mark, there can number of reasons kind of issue occur. great if can tell more concern. please answer following: wh...

Outlook 2016 for Mac and sync with Google Calendar - Microsoft Community

can sync google account outlook 2016 mac - signed insider fast participant hi john,   thanks contacting office 365 forum community.   the answer "yes", can sync out google account outlook 2016 mac if insider fast participants , have office 365 subscription.   for detailed steps, please visit: .   may know if encountering problem? if so, please free let know.   thanks, baron Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 365 for business

Outlook 2016 cannot see older emails - Microsoft Community

hello just install office 2016 replacing office 2007, however, outlook emails go last 2 days. is there need different imported same .pst file had backed 2007. many in advance hi david, there’s possibility .pst files you’re trying import damaged. recommend check out link . provide steps on how repair .pst file. feel free contact if have further inquiries.   Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 2016

Contact form Wordpress - Microsoft Community

i have wordpress website contact form 7. when contact form submitted, says email etc. , it's sent. issue goes straight junk email , unable mark safe because " this sender failed our fraud detection checks , may not appear be." how can fix this? thanks, hi jenny,  from experience, issue caused incorrectly configured sender policy framework (spf) record not specify ip address of server or host sent junked email allowed sender. so, please check spf record of domain used relay emails.  here article how spf: . if correct , issue still exists, please provide more details investigate: what mean when said “when contact form submitted, says email”? which type of smtp relay using? smtp relay / iis relay? when did issue start? did make change in organization? do have own exchange server or office 365 onl...

Unable to change "send from" on OWA - Microsoft Community

i added shared mailbox have permission in owa, when reply message shared inbox example, not given option send shared address. i tried deleting email address , typing in shared address, per these instructions, address not delete: i able send within outlook desktop client. asking because have people wanting via android, , have gotten far shared mailboxes appearing in owa app android once have been added via owa. as went take screen shot show options in outlook, noticed when showing show from, shared address appear when replying. able add shared address when straight composing new email. maybe show option on owa, not showing yet on owa. see screenshot. hi will, i'd confirm if using office 365 owa ( ). ...

Synch outlook calendar to windows 10 pc - Microsoft Community

how synch iphone 7 calendar windows 10 microsoft office 2007 hosting calendar? Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2007

Access to Outlook 2010 only possible in Safe Mode after Update to W10 - Microsoft Community

could provide me guidance regarding issue encountering since latest update 1703 version 1709 of windows 10 on pc?  when want open mopp 2010, system starts preparation of (re?)installing software. message (shown above). excel, word , other programs in package have been using since 2011 seem work, not outlook. shall uninstall updates relating microsoft office? or solution uninstall mopp 2010 , reinstall afterwards on pc? any useful information, tested if possible, welcome. if saying ol starts in safe mode, need review com add-ins shown, active or not, 1 of cause, , needs uninstalling   Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2010

outlook 2016 will not open up - Microsoft Community

outlook 2016 working , started freezing on email. not open "not opening up" means exactly? in absolutely nothing happens? or stuck loading profiles? or..................... "started freezing on <certain email>" means exactly? how define "certain email"? freezing @ point - reading, sending etc etc? related single email account? type (pop3, imap, exchange etc) of email account(s) involved? (if not sure, open control panel <mail> app, click on email accounts - type of each account configured in profile shown in right-hand column. Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2016

Setting Up Gmail account in Microsoft Office Outlook 2016 - Microsoft Community

i want able access email gmail account using mircrosoft outlook.  when go add account , put in google email address , password, keeps coming with:  " something went wrong  couldn't connect incoming (imap) server using specified encryption method. please check incoming (imap) server encryption method , try again." hello, if unable add gmail account outlook, two-factor authentication gmail not enabled. email providers, gmail, require turn on two-factor authentication , set app password let gmail confirm person accessing email. information on how set two-factor authentication gmail, kindly read through link . after setting two-factor authentication gmail, attempt add account again outlook , see if able set in outlook. if need further assistance in adding account in outlook, not hesitate post us. Office / Outlook ...

Can't create data file outlook 365 - Microsoft Community

hi all, anyone else have issue? problems adding account in outlook 365 i've tried on 2 computers , same issue (tried many many times) error says: adding *** email address removed privacy *** (not real email address) went wrong we couldn't create outlook data file. make sure disk you're saving isn't full or write protected , file isn't being used. i have 220gb free on computer (over 50gb on other computer) , disk isn't write protected on either computer the strange thing creates data file pane on left show data file , going data files tab show data file. i can't delete says: this data file associated mail account. remove use "email" tab the way i've  found find file location on c: , delete them way, right click on data file on folder pane , click close  version 1709 (build 8528.2139 click-to-run) known issue?? work around or fix? cheers moved from: [ / e...

November 2017 Windows 10 Update has prevented Outlook from working - Microsoft Community

i had been using outlook version 2003 since "upgrading" windows 10 on year ago.  after performing latest update windows 10 (update installed on november 29, 2017) outlook program not work anymore.  outlook continues open up, program cannot send , receive mail.  when send/receive function initiated, program posts dialog box states "operation failed."  have solution?  thanks.  moved from: windows / apps on windows 10 / other windows apps / productivity office 2003 went out of support years ago, , outlook 2003 not compatible win10, if worked had luck on side. time move on. Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Older versions

i cant accesss my outlook any reason why - Microsoft Community

can access outlook reason why no idea since have provided no context Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business

Something Went Wrong when trying to add an Office 365 account to - Microsoft Community

i office 365 account comcast bonus business internet.  moved exchange office 365.  working fine.  on laptop on 1 of logins (jeff), outlook wasn't syncing o365 account -- deleted regenerate data file. keep getting error when trying add email account  - says "we getting things ready", dialog blanks, , then  "something went wrong, please try again"  -  i try again, change account type office 365, still same error.    creating new profile causes outlook crash upon loading.  it works fine when attach same email windows mail or on same computer different user account.  old data i have tried many times add account again. i have repaired office. have totally uninstalled office , reinstalled.  i have run microsoft support , recovery tool -- checks out ok, when tool creates new profile, outlook hangs , closes.   if can new profile not crash, says has connect exchange or something....

Outlook 2007 - Can I apply "Special Folder" features to - Microsoft Community

i working outlook 2007 program (app) on windows 8.1 computer direct emails folders specify, rather 'overlording' folders under "personal folders" or "archive folders". i'm managing sledge-hammer outlook want do, continue struggle 1 feature great use in variety of non-special folders. so, said, can tell me how add "empty [deleted] items" folder feature folders either create or imap server created? thanks in advance; wte outlook 2007, there no way know add ability folders create. Office / Outlook / Windows 8 / Office 2007

access to inbox - Microsoft Community

can't access inbox hotmail account, gives me option view emails, help? working before on pc? or have added hotmail account? Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 2010

2 aliases Visible in one Mailbox - Microsoft Community

hi all, is there way receive mails 2 aliases standard 1 mailbox? thank in advance. if pop mail accounts Office / Outlook / Microsoft Office Programming / Office 2016

unable to retrieve power point presentation on iPad - Microsoft Community

power point presentation created using app on ipad seems have disappeared. power point open tool bar down left hand side , not responding Office / PowerPoint / iPhone & iPad / Unknown/other

Do "styles" exist in Powerpoint 2016?? - Microsoft Community

clear, i'm not interested in "quick styles", change style of items have selected , don't appear editable. want styles exist in word allow me apply style many shapes (or multiple objects share same type: photos or text or icons...) throughout presentation , change appearance of of items simultaneously editing particular style.  hello phil, if there no option apply style shapes simultaneously throughout presentation in powerpoint 2016, advise send feedback developers through powerpoint uservoice . tips on modifying shapes in powerpoint, may refer following links: add, change, or delete shapes change color of shape, shape border, or entire smartart graphic add fill or effect shape or text box if have other concerns, feel free reach out. Office / PowerPoint / Windows 10 ...

Power Point save portrait into landscape - Microsoft Community

hi,  i'm using ppt 2016. when saving portrait ppt gets automatically saved landscape , ruins work. know how can prevent happening? many thanks, robert hi roberto, powerpoint slides automatically set in landscape orientation default. we'd know if you're encountering issue on of powerpoint files. can check article serve reference on how change page orientation in powerpoint between landscape , portrait . in case issue persists, suggest check article steps on how repair office application . let know how goes , we'll assist further if needed. Office / PowerPoint / Windows 10 / Office 2016

Old deleted images appear when transitioning slides, especially when - Microsoft Community

hi, i have common problem make new powerpoint presentation existing one, , though delete old slides , images, old slide masters, etc. when transition between slides (most noticeable when file saved pdf or on slow computer) see flicker of of original slides, though no longer in presentation. i'm sure it's file recovery or storing unlimited history, there way turn off? i'm sure reduce file size. thanks hi simon, for narrow down , provide proper resolution, may know if have installed software applications or changed hardware devices device prior concern? when did start encountering issue? changes made on computer prior issue? have tried possible troubleshooting steps? if yes, steps , did error messages? regards. Office / PowerPoint / Windows 10 / ...

_presenter_tmp_ - Microsoft Community

i have 2 animations name _presenter_tmp_ first 2 animations of every slide.  have click 3 times start animations put in powerpoint first animation want. how did these in there , how them out? check link: Office / PowerPoint / Windows 8 / Office 2016

Messaging unavailable - Microsoft Community

my skype business has stopped working when comes messaging. just says messaging unavailable in messaging panel. do know how fix this? people can still talk me , i'm online signed in correctly. don't know how happened. need fixed asap i'm running business. hi noelle,   please update skype business client first , check if issue persists. if using msi version, please  update update package, if using click-to-run version, please update method provided in bottom of article.   to better understand situation, need gather more information narrow down possible cause.   is issue happened contacts or specific contacts? if so, type of affected contacts? internal users or external users? or skype users. when did issue first happen? to check whether issue associated account, try sig...

Skype meeting - Microsoft Community

our lecturer using skype business app office 356 while using skype business web app version. reason can't see lecturer when click join same meeting? hi jessthecrazykid, regarding " what reason can't see lecturer when click join same meeting "  , mean join meeting not in meeting actually? if so, please informed there meeting options set organizer (your lecturer), meet 2 conditions below: 1. you'll join meeting immediately. 2. you'll directed virtual lobby. if you're in lobby, meeting organizer , other presenters notified you're waiting. an article reference: may check lecturer whether in lobby. if understanding incorrect, please provide provide more information last sentence. sc...

Enable New Users to Skype For Business Failed - Microsoft Community

split thread. i facing same error. issue resolved after editing first , last name in ad because selected format enable user through *** email address removed privacy ***. can enable user 1 one through specify sip uri option. Office / Skype for Business / Windows other / Office 365 for business

How to modify the title of site app tiles in home page - Microsoft Community

how can modify text link[6] google   , email [4] email.   dodnt know how number coming in title.  how can rid of number , change text  <link> <google> . please help i found solution  , resolved. page -> edit properties -> open web part page -> delete duplicate web part Office / SharePoint Online / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business

SharePoint enable users to download files other than PDF - Microsoft Community

i have lowest user permission set read only. should enable users download documents sharepoint. however, users can download pdf version of documents sharepoint. need users able download .xlxs , .docx too. create variety of templates users need able download in variety of file formats. can make possible?  any appreciated :) thank you hi c.pfister, to better understand situation, i'd confirm following things: 1. give user read or view permission? have customized options these 2 permission levels? "can download pdf", mean firstly access file office online, , click "..." @ right-top of page. can see download pdf? if in library, directly click "..." next file, see download , download proper file? (left menu in word online, right menu in library) other libraries, give user read permission. check if user can download proper file. lets know if issue related specific...

SharePoint File Sharing - Microsoft Community

how restrict files in sharepoint 1 person can have file open @ same time? for example, have 1 master document multiple people have access , need edit various parts of document.   need maintain integrity of document. your appreciated! hi karin, if want 1 user edit document @ time , same document should appear read when opened user, in case, can set library require check-out of files . after check-out, file icon covered green, downward-pointing arrow, indicating file checked out. no 1 else can change file, , no 1 else can see changes, while have checked out. if file not checked out you, must check out before can make changes. let me know if have question. regards, neha Office / SharePoint Online / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business ...

mail wizard - Microsoft Community

mail wizard in word 2016?   posting duplication of other message on same issue. please see thread & link in reply there:   mail merge wizard Office / Word / Mac / Office 365 Home

MS Word for Mac icons blank after High Sierra and MS Word 1540 upgrade - Microsoft Community

msword icons blank on desktop w lines in finder high sierra   two weeks ago in preparation upgrading 2015 macbook air high sierra, upgraded ms office mac 2016 1539 version. downloaded high sierra. (later upgraded 1540, trying solve icon problem.)   my purchased version (3/2017 1 time download) never had real ms word icons on desktop—usually there lines looked text no blue lines or blue w. these blue lines appear split second upon starting mac, regular icons appear in finder window if display mode “list”. (this true other office applications , pdf well.) don’t know if concerned about—or live with.   i tried downloading , using liteicon fix didn’t find working , seemed mess things further—probably fault.   if not signal larger wrong, can live it.   but notice if don’t close msword file , shut down computer, @ top of screen message sending error report microsoft.   when left word file open before, did not happen—that befor...

Grouping text and objects - Microsoft Community

can group text , objects in word document?  text on page text box? [original title: microsoft word] hello tyrone, when group shapes or other objects, can move or resize shapes , objects , change attributes @ same time. can ungroup these objects anytime want. assist you, suggest visit article . there, you'll see simple guide on how group , ungroup objects in microsoft office. let know if resolution provided works. Office / Word / Other/unknown / Office 2010

paper size - Microsoft Community

how can add other paper size ms word 2013? i checked printer setting on printer server properties. , paper sizes want avaible on printer. on ms word paper size doesn't exist. have custom every time need it. want paper size avaible on ms word 2013 don't have custom every time need it. depends upon printer driver. may try following - 1. update printer driver latest internet. 2. if still paper size not listed, change default printer pdf (in devices , printers). make paper size available you. though printing on printer through word. Office / Word / Other/unknown / Office 2013

Time and Date Stamp - Microsoft Community

hello!      i'm using microsoft word 2013, , in document, i've used time stamps when noting down observations. however, upon opening document edit notes, time stamps have been updated current time. i've seen lots of posts how revert date original create date, none undoing time update. there way @ can revert time?      any appreciated! are using insert>date , time facility?  if so, make sure check box update automatically not checked.  if case, date , time inserted ordinary text, rather field reflect current date , time when fields in document updated. Office / Word / Other/unknown / Office 2013

Styles Task Pane - Microsoft Community

how lock styles task pane in word document moves document?  currently, if move word document screen, styles task pane doesn't move it, floats around on it's own. double-click styles pane near top (in word styles should work). Office / Word / Other/unknown / Office 2016

Table of Contents in Word 2016 - page numbers mismatch when printing - Microsoft Community

hi,   i have 30 pages word 2016 document (on windows 10). toc works fine. updating works fine. but when print document, pages set page 2 (which page toc located). retried printing, first entry in toc page 3, other entries page 4. updating works fine again on screen, when printing, same error occurs.   i tried both activating , deactivating "update of fields before printing" - no change. field code: toc \o "1-2" \h \z \u   strange enough: worked fine until circa 19/20 july, no longer. no system change made side.   my interim solution final text version copy toc , insert document text only, format , substitute toc text. cannot intended solution, right?   could help?   reinhard clearly, shouldn't happen, issue seems resurface time time. what can select toc , lock ctrl+f11 , print. (later, if want unlock, select toc again , press ctrl+shift+f11.) if ctrl+f11...

2 hours of work gone after Word 2016 Stopped Working??? - Microsoft Community

hi,  i working on important document , saving document after 2 hours, got message on screen saying microsoft "has stopped working" , word document closed , disappeared screen. went files see if document there , changes had made gone!! how recover document working on before microsoft shut down? can reach out me?  i'm sorry hear :( may try naviating to: c:\users\***yourloginname***\appdata\local\microsoft\office\unsavedfiles , check files there. may there. Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2016

Cannot save Docx as Doc in Word 2016 - Microsoft Community

i have been able save manuscripts .doc files when necessary in word 2016. can no longer if have downloaded , installed word compatibility file. have removed links , have no strange formats or pictures. text only. error message that i says file cannot saved. save in word format. duh! trying do. help. hi please try following might assist: please try following solution of repairing office package: first thing can navigate , select start button 2) type in control panel 3) navigate "programs". 4) select "uninstall program" 5) find office installation , right click (usually microsoft office 2016 or similar) 6) select change 7) window pop asking "quick repair" or "online repair" 8) select quick repair option , reboot 9) if problem continues select online repair option , reboot please let me know if helped or not, happily assist further. luck ...

Word 2016 and Office 365 Word - Microsoft Community

how activate word 2016 office 365 word? though not able interpret question properly. if saying want run both word 2016 , word 365 together, not possible. but, if have not phrased question , want activate word 2016 or word 365 depending upon office version, have installed, follow link given geoffrey o. further - 1. may try chatting ms support resolve issue 2. alternatively, may e mail ms support account Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home

Picture insert with Word - Microsoft Community

why can't insert online picture word. try , ! (inside triangle)  with  long https. has been occurring quite time.  me hello, the notification getting seems failed or pending update. initial troubleshooting step, can check updates on office apps. keeping office up-to-date ensures have latest security updates , fixes. refer support article on how to:   install office updates . once done, kindly try insert picture , see if issue persists. let know if there else can assist with. we'll glad help. Office / Word / Windows 10 / Older versions

How to prohibit format changes to Word 2007 when opening in newer - Microsoft Community

hello, hope use correct terminology here. when open outlook 2007 on pc newer version of outlook , save changes, of formatting in newly saved document has changed example, of words in newly saved document butted against each other "sometimesinthemorning" instead of having space between words. happens parenthesis, such "john went school (lincoln high school)" change "john went school(lincoln high school)". doesn't happen words, words, happen throughout entire document. how can turn off these formatting changes while still saving newly entered info? thanks help! if need more info please let me know. moved from: (office / word / windows other / unknown/other) original title/subject: (how prohibit format changes outlook 2007 when opening in newer versions) i'm referring office word 2007 Office / Word ...

My work is gone! - Microsoft Community

minding own business, typing essay , word document starts slow down. wonder, why word document slowing down? exit side applications, such google chrome , instant, message saying restart program or restart program , send windows error recovery message microsoft , before have time react or anything, program exits. there possible way recover program? have auto save enabled, cannot find document there , don't have time machine. used windows 2007 , hope reply immediately, have essay due tomorrow. should able recover whatever work saved. type document  name or word or phrase specific document in search box. in result should see document>right click on , choose>open file location. Office / Word / Windows other / Office 2007

Barcode within a document's text area - Microsoft Community

i using word 2010 mail merge report writer table of information.  want have identification word (text) displayed code 39 barcode. data in excel spreadsheet. setup word mail base document (template) necessary fields.  mark 1 group of text barcode.  document looks desire. try print document data or choose preview option in mail merge , barcode disappears. displayed , printed other text. tried setting character style called barcode , applying text ("word".)  ms word still reverts general style of document , when check barcode text, has reverted general document style. can have mixed fonts in paragraph? (think have done many times before in simple word document (not mail merge.)  have retain barcode display in merged document? thank in advance assistance can given. michael office knowledge level 7 out 10 in self grading opinion    assuming using barcode font, should a...

Links Stopped Working Word 2016 - Microsoft Community

we giving presentation today , when tried follow links stopped working! open, freeze laptop , error pop saying unexpected error occurred or unable locate file. able go directly files --the files on local server links not connect. had cancel presentation.  what cause this? on computer file created exact document connect no problem , links work. both computers connected same server. 1 thing note in file link file:/// --is normal? appears showing assigned drive letter in link --not here has same assigned drive letter , need access doc next issue... any help? possible share docs way local links? bad idea while using microsoft? alternatives? hi, links can shared long saved through onedrive. can follow instructions on how share links through links below: see files others have shared you share click of button in office 2016 share document in word 2016 windows keep updated if comes can further assist you...

use existing office365 account with OneDrive on my computer. - Microsoft Community

keeps trying sell me o365 have it. want default of onedrive stuff including company.  i'm sure easier seems be! hello erik, the challenge you're experiencing on using existing office 365 account on onedrive might due app misconfiguration. we'll need additional information address concern. please answer following: were able setup onedrive before using different microsoft account? did notice app setting changes prior issue? are getting error messages? are using personal or business account? what troubleshooting steps have tried far? a screenshot of issue great. kindly refer thread steps on how include screenshot in post. note : please not include personal information in screenshot. OneDrive / Getting started with OneDrive / Signing into OneDrive / OneD...

OneDrive downloading video issue on ios 11.0.3 - Microsoft Community

how know if onedrive downloading video or not since downloading progress indicator no longer there? (usually it's kind of animated icon show downloading progress on older onedrive ios version).  i'm on ios 11.0.3.   hi, changes in current version of phone 1 of possible reasons why there no indicator when downloading onedrive. isolate issue, suggest uninstalling onedrive device, install again. click link to download app ios. if comes up, don't hesitate anytime. OneDrive / Working with files and folders on OneDrive / Editing and viewing files and folders / OneDrive App for iPhone / iPad (iOS)

One Drive synching - Microsoft Community

files appearing on laptop not appearing on desktop, why ? have had no trouble before check link , see if helps: OneDrive / Working with files and folders on OneDrive / Editing and viewing files and folders / OneDrive in Windows 10

Can I set Onedrive to delete folders from my computer after they have - Microsoft Community

hi,  i have been looking through forum , have seen numerous other users wanting same thing every time ask, told can remove offline sync of folders in question.  this not want do.  i onedrive automatically upload images camera , delete them computer without me having anything.  google photos figured make use of 1tb of storage on onedrive.  what want happen is:  i plug in camera computer, onedrive pops , says syncing files cloud , when done, deletes files camera , computer without me having manually change synced folders every time. any appreciated. thanks, bede hi bede, onedrive designed cloud storage files may clutter pc. files can managed accessing them through onedrive application or via website. however, automatic deletion of files not yet implemented. therefore, encourage post query on onedrive uservoice. consider feedback , suggestions on how can improve our products...

OneDrive sync issues - Microsoft Community

we experiencing number of issues onedrive , syncing.  firstly on windows 10 onedrive client keeps getting stuck processing changes (version 17.3.6995.0172). i downloaded previous version , tried install previous version (afer unintalling 6995 version) , automatically updates newer version. now on ipad if delete file continue show on ipad deleted online portal , computer. hi phillip, to provide accurate resolution regarding onedrive sync issue, know following: are getting error messages? if yes, possibly send screenshot of error? when did issue first begin? what troubleshooting steps have taken resolve issue? we forward response. OneDrive / Working with files and folders on OneDrive / Adding and removing files and folders / OneDrive in Windows 10 ...

I just want to get to my sample business plan template \that I - Microsoft Community

i want find have completed far, cannot program @ grow template. why, heck, can't correct site? far has been 2 hours today , last night.  have had change address, change outlook, on , on again. what need forwarded me growthink web site? realize not tecky, but can go through motions simple.  please me don't send me sign on , give me new email address.  done!! jan moberg aka:  following *** email address removed privacy *** *** email address removed privacy *** *** email address removed privacy *** *** email address removed privacy *** *** email address removed privacy *** this crazy!! / My Account and information / Edit my information

Onenote - Microsoft Community

student @ uic. last year have been making pdf  notes , charging other students notes. question is, legal charge onenote notebooks? / My Account and information / Other

How do I fix the "outlook Team" name appeared on my email - Microsoft Community

how fix "outlook team" name appeared on email  hi, thank providing details concern. come proper resolution, we ask more information: does "outlook team" name appeared part of e-mail (e. g. signature), folder or contact? for have clearer view, can send screenshot of concern? we forward response. / Email / Composing email

Cannot Send Emails in Outlook - Microsoft Community

i sent request yesterday , got reply unfortunately deleted before answer. i can receive emails in outlook cannot send in outlook,. comes send/receive error. the error posting : sending reported error (ox800cccof) connection server interrupted. if problem continues contact server administrator  or internet service provider (isp) the server responded 550 5.1.0 esmtp server not available aup #0-1070 all connections have been checked , contacted internet provider went on system , in working order. had problem 6 weeks. thank you. hi richard, there may few reasons why unable send message using outlook email. in order isolate issue kindly answer following questions: have made recent changes computer system prior getting error? which version of outlook using? please access link reference. have checked support link part of troubleshooting process? what other troubleshooting steps have been t...

I am not recieving emails from some domains - Microsoft Community

i using email address. recently, several of contacts have complained emails send me being returned unsent. have checked , not have rules setup , not in blocked sender list. can try adding specific address safe senders list, not wondering how many other emails missing other clients. is ms filtering/blocking emails before revieve them? hi kateřina,   it possible that  the filter settings of account affecting delivery of incoming messages mailbox. can check out following steps on how configure settings of account.   check blocked sender list 1. in inbox, click cog icon @ upper right part of screen , select  more email settings . 2. under   preventing junk email , click   safe , blocked senders . 3. click   blocked senders . 4. in blocked senders list, select name or domain   (the part of e-mail address follows @ sign) ...

Creating a SHARED contact list, also visible in OUTLOOK client - Microsoft Community

hello, need import big contact list (over 3,000 items) onto shared contact list on excahnge (list must availble users - view, edit) , enable list in outlook client email address selection. how go that? hope clear enough & correct place ask. hi, for further isolate concern regarding contacts, know if you're using business email? / People and contacts / Adding and managing contacts and groups

how do you add a font to windows 10 - Microsoft Community

wish add font file windows 10 available across office software hi alan, rar file compressed file zip file. windows not natively support rar files click link below download , install small utility once installed, right click rar file , choose 'unextract here', can install extracted fonts . . . Office / Unknown/other / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home

Emailing photos from websites - Microsoft Community

when try email article on website, , specify outlook me email program, message saying that  office not recognize license program   talking about???  windows 10. hi, we more information post. 1. getting error message when trying email attachments? 2. using outlook? version of outlook? we waiting response. Office / Unknown/other / Windows 10 / Unknown/other

Calibri Font - Microsoft Community

hi. wanted ask when calibre font commercially available public use? and before that, possible purchase or use calibre font? thanks  ***post moved moderator appropriate forum category.*** history of calibri font Office / Unknown/other / Windows other / Unknown/other

Problem Adding Email - Microsoft Community

have outlook app on both iphone , mac. i've had no problems adding many (6) email accounts onto phone. gmail hotmail. when tried add them outlook on laptop let me add few of them. 2 of them keeps telling me password incorrect know fact correct. i've tried reinstalling app. i've tried deleting email account app re adding it. i've been trying these 2 email accounts onto app on laptop year , don't know do. there limit number of accounts computer app not phone app? hi melea_111,   for question: there limit number of accounts computer app not phone app? yes, there limitation adding accounts, issue, number of accounts isn’t limitation.   according description, understand there 2 accounts cannot add outlook. please provide me information below:   the version of outlook client. how configure 2 accounts cannot added outlook, , types of 2 accounts. have change passwords 2 accounts recently?   you...

Add email account to Outlook for macbook - Microsoft Community

when try add account outlook macbook air, "invalid username or password" error credentials correct. hi stoneymw, do have updates  with us? @jim sharing. thanks, richard Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 2011 for Mac

Microsoft office failed to launch on Mac after Seirra update - Microsoft Community

my ms office no longer works , has affect work productivity. what have done far update software mac , office programs. issue still persist. please asap. the following error report: microsoft error reporting log version: 2.0 error signature: exception: exc_bad_access exceptionenumstring: 1 exception code: kern_invalid_address (0x000000008badf00d) date/time: 2017-08-22 02:10:30 +0000 application name: microsoft outlook application bundle id: application signature: opim application bitness: x64 application version: crashed module name: libsystem_pthread.dylib crashed module version: crashed module offset: 0x000000000000138c blame module name: wlmkernel blame module version: unsymbolicatedchecksum: 88617aa65902d6de8be419bd8bdd830a blame module offset: 0x0000000000006f62 stackhash: ffff89de_background application lcid: 1033 app info: reg=en loc=0x0409...

Cannot connect email with private domain to Outlook 2016 - Microsoft Community

i have email address private domain. connected outlook 2016 pop , worked, found never synced other devices or webmail. told solution delete account , reconnect imap. when tried this, cannot connect email address @ all, , have tried dozens of times different server/port info given me email admin. email admin says can connect fine email account , see of emails. outlook 2016 on desktop refuses connect. should delete outlook 2016 computer , install again? right outlook 2016 useless me because cannot add new email account. [moved from: / email / adding email accounts ] thank you, yes network solutions support imap , able connect email without problems on end. outlook said "something went wrong , cannot connect server, there problem security certificate." however, when figured out how "repair" outlook, able connect account. in end, problem outlook, not network solutions.  ...

Can't Receive Email from Trusted Sender - 5.7.1 Bounce - Microsoft Community

we've upgraded office 365. can't receive messages company regularly business though i've added them our trusted sender's list. getting 5.7.1 bounce message. says "rejected organization policy" it's not our policy , have no idea how fix it. {"notificationtype":"bounce","bounce":{"bouncetype":"transient","bouncesubtype":" contentrejected" ,"bouncedrecipients":[{" emailaddress":"xxxx " ,"action":"failed","status":"5.7.1","diagnosticcode":"smtp;550 5.7.1 transport.rules.rejectmessage; message rejected organization policy"}]," timestamp":" 2017-07-07 t04:19:16.000z","feedbackid":"0100015d1b460373-72529f84-62cb-11e7-bc44-093af726139c-000000","reportingmta":"dns;

I was not able to check whether contact is online from outlook 2016 - Microsoft Community

recently outlook 2010 has been updated outlook 2016 , not able see contact availability (online / away / offline) more .. please assist whether have option enable option moved from: / messaging / instant messaging hi surya, we recommend using the outlook social connector in order know availability of contacts. outlook social connector lets work in outlook while staying date on status , activities of friends , contacts. click on link more information. hope helps. let me know if have further concerns. regards. Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 2016

OutLook Issue - Microsoft Community

whenever open outlook, asks me verify email, in do, , tells me there wasan error , functions not available be  used multiple computers. know email snot signed in on other computer don't know problem is. referring ms outlook, desktop program? ms outlook working on pc? Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 365 for business

my outlook keep on popping enter network password - Microsoft Community

outlook keep on popping enter network password hi, the prompt you've received related credential mismatch. better understand concern outlook, we'd know following: if you've made changes email account password. the version of outlook you're using on device. check this, can perform steps posted on link . we forward response. Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Unknown/other

Syncing Apple iPhone 6s with Outlook 2010 - Microsoft Community

i need – please - before may 2017, used apple iphone 4 , microsoft outlook 2010.   i use windows 10.   outlook housed on computer , sync iphone 4 using itines.   in may 2017, upgraded phone apple iphone 6s , had significant problems syncing phone computer-based outlook data file.   i went apple care , told microsoft problem, went microsoft.   the support through india.   microsoft support in india terrible!   they converted outlook file cloud no longer house , protect own outlook data.   after microsoft india’s help, no long sync phone database.   i called apple , able phone sync cloud-based outlook data file.   then in august 2017, mother board on iphone 6s broke , phone had replaced.   once again ran problem of syncing data.   this time, apple care said couldn’t me – though using apple iphone 6s sync data.   now can’t sync data.   like monkey burnt hot stove, extremely resistant c...